Schools in Panama Offer a Solid Return on Investment

Schools in Panama Offer a Solid Return on Investment

Panama is one of the fastest-growing countries in Latin America. And with a steady influx of expats of all ages and a growing middle class, its beleaguered education system has been hard-pressed to meet the growing demand for quality instruction. Public schools don’t prepare students very well for college. So middle and upper class residents turn to the nation’s private schools.

A B&B in Panama City’s Leafy Ancon District

A B&B in Panama City’s Leafy Ancon District

Though the inn is small, just nine rooms, Mieke and Bill like to be onsite as much as possible, helping guests organize tours and transport and answering all kinds of questions about Panama. “We absolutely love this part of Panama City,” says Mieke of the Balboa area. Located in the capital’s Ancón district, this area is a world away from the city skyscrapers.

Delve into Panama’s Artisan Traditions

Delve into Panama’s Artisan Traditions

Over the years archeological sites across Panama have yielded artifacts used long before the conquistadores came from Spain. Round-bellied clay pots called tinajas kept water cool in the tropical heat. Geometric motifs adorned platters and open bowls used for meals and prayers. Centuries later, this tradition continues in La Arena, known for its pre-Columbian style pottery.

El Valle: Beauty and Convenience in Panama’s Crater Valley

El Valle: Beauty and Convenience in Panama’s Crater Valley

In the heart of rural Panama, nestled in the crater of an extinct volcano, El Valle is a place of orchids, rainforest greens, and canary-yellow flowers. Though it’s relatively unknown beyond Panamanian borders, locals argue that no other town can match it. And not just because of the singular beauty of the velvety-green mountaintops.

Starting Over in a Panamanian Paradise

Starting Over in a Panamanian Paradise

"My typical day starts with a steaming cup of excellent Panamanian coffee," says Jade Wills. "I settle down at my desk and work for a few hours then I take a smoothie break using fresh papayas from our yard. "Later, I’ll ride my bike to the vegetable truck or maybe spend some time gardening. I’ve plenty of time for things like yoga and pilates, and some days I’ll pack up my laptop and work from right on the beach. Life is good."