Own an Idyllic Country Retreat

Own an Idyllic Country Retreat

Imagine waking up each morning and, cup of coffee in hand, looking out your window onto acres of uninterrupted forest, field, and pasture. Ah…that’s life in the country. Slow, tranquil, and quiet. No honking horns, traffic lights, or rush-hour traffic out here. Every morning or evening, you can enjoy a laidback stroll through the forest, up the wild hills, or along quiet country lanes. You can walk miles without seeing another soul. Perhaps just deer frolicking in the woods and cows munching on grass. And at night, you look up to see what seems like all the stars in the sky.

Where Real Estate Expert Ronan McMahon Recommends: Mexico’s Hottest Property Buys

Where Real Estate Expert Ronan McMahon Recommends: Mexico’s Hottest Property Buys

You’ll discover the two very most lucrative areas (according to successful international real estate investor Ronan McMahon) that make sense right now for the would-be retiree and for you, if you’re looking to purchase a home or investment property. Just think...turquoise waters and impossibly white sand...swaying palms... a beach constantly named the “most beautiful in the world”... With the information you get in this Special Report, you’ll learn how you can buy the retirement or vacation home of your dreams—with a small amount down and manageable payments along the way.

Seven Places You Could Double Your Money: Profit From International Real Estate

Seven Places You Could Double Your Money: Profit From International Real Estate

Mexico is definitely on Ronan’s McMahon's list, and he’ll point you to the exact locations in Mexico where you can find tremendous bargains today...properties Ronan believes make sense whether you’re looking for an investment with earning and income potential or you’re looking to buy a retirement home with great financing terms.

Incomes Abroad – June 2016

Incomes Abroad – June 2016

In this issue…tap into the simplest overseas income—teaching English—to go to exotic places like Oman, Taiwan, South Korea or Chile. Discover a growing trend in Costa Rica for themed vacations where you can host retreats or camps for a niche tourist market. See how one expat is helping small Venetian businesses to develop their websites…and loving her interaction with the city. Or how another has created a new business producing natural sunscreen in her tropical home in Costa Rica. You’ll see how your language skills can create income in expat haunts overseas…and how to travel the world with free bed and board as a volunteer.

City, Beach, or Mountains: The Choice is Yours in Ecuador

City, Beach, or Mountains: The Choice is Yours in Ecuador

One little country that sits on the equator packs a big punch when it comes to retirement overseas. The country is Ecuador—and it's one of the world's best retirement destinations. Though the country is just slightly bigger than Wyoming, it has a variety of climates to suit almost any taste; has rich culture and warm, welcoming people; and could drastically cut your retirement costs. For just $1,500 to $2,000 a month, a couple can live better than they ever could have dreamed of in the U.S. In this issue of the Lifetime Society Communiqué, three of our Ecuador correspondents tell you about their lives living in a colonial city, by the beach, and in the mountains of Ecuador. That's just the start of what's waiting for you in this issue...

The Devil’s Swimming Pool, a Secret Restaurant, and More

The Devil’s Swimming Pool, a Secret Restaurant, and More

If you fancy seeing the glaciers of Patagonia, trying a bit of tango, or just chowing down on a juicy Argentine steak, we’ve got some good news for you. The Argentine government has decided to waive the $160 reciprocity fee for U.S. citizens entering the country. This pesky expense used to apply to U.S. tourists spending less than 90 days in Argentina. But Argentina seems to have taken a leaf out of the book of its great soccer rival, Brazil. It suspended the fee following President Obama’s visit in March.

An Overlooked Asset, the Next Investment Bubble, and More

An Overlooked Asset, the Next Investment Bubble, and More

After a five-year bear market, the rally in emerging markets has officially begun... The iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index jumped 20% from mid-January to mid-March. A move that big is rare. But these gains should continue from here. More specifically, this kind of jump has happened less than 3% of the time since 1988. And history says it could lead to 12% gains over the next few months. From January 21 to March 21, emerging market stocks rallied 20%. And they’re now up 23% in total since their January bottom.