Cheapest Times to Fly, the World’s Largest Maze, and much more…

Cheapest Times to Fly, the World’s Largest Maze, and much more…

For any intrepid traveler, finding great deals on airfares is one of the best ways to save money as you travel. And fortunately, there’s an app on the market that can help you do just that. Hopper is a smartphone app (available in the Apple app store) that can tell you the cheapest time to fly to locations all around the world and find you the cheapest deals on airfare. Knowing the right time to book can save you up to 40% on airfare alone.

Profits in the Far East and How to Earn from Booze

Profits in the Far East and How to Earn from Booze

Despite the U.S. stock market’s high profile, its long-term performance has seriously lagged behind some really surprising foreign stock markets. This fact is an important reminder that the most obvious investment choices are not necessarily the best ones. Every year, Swiss investment bank Credit Suisse produces the Global Investment Returns Yearbook in association with the London Business School.

Managing Your Money When You Retire Overseas

Managing Your Money When You Retire Overseas

If the lure of a better life overseas is strong, but you’re worried about the logistics of managing your money in a foreign locale, take heart. It’s not as complicated as you may fear. Bank accounts…Social Security…credit cards…exchange rates…our team of expat experts weighs in here with lessons learned and real-world guidance to help you manage your money abroad with confidence and ease.

20 Beach Towns Where The Dollar is King

20 Beach Towns Where The Dollar is King

The best deals and the biggest opportunities in real estate today are not to be found within U.S. borders. Take U.S. coastlines... Sure, America has some gorgeous beaches... and stunning seaside properties. But there’s a severely limited supply, especially of Grade A, beachfront real estate... and a burgeoning demand, especially among Baby Boomers. Even if your budget isn’t small, you’ll have trouble finding a seaside getaway on either U.S. coast that could be called a bargain.

Earn Anywhere & Entrepreneurs Welcome – Free Reports

Earn Anywhere & Entrepreneurs Welcome – Free Reports

It’s so easy to find yourself stuck on the treadmill of life…trapped in an endless cycle of work, eat, sleep; work, eat, sleep. Long commutes in heavy traffic, soul-killing work and the constant fear of lay-offs and downsizing. If you’ve ever asked yourself, is this all there is, we’re here to tell you no, it’s not. There is a better life waiting for you—and the weather is a lot better there too. Best of all, you don’t have to wait until retirement age to live the life you love…thousands of Americans with an entrepreneurial spirit have traded in their daily drudgery in the U.S. and headed for sunnier climes and a brighter future abroad. In the process they have found not only new livelihoods, but new lives.

Escape to Panama – Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less

Escape to Panama – Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less

In 2014, International Living ranked Panama the number one place in the world to retire…for so many reasons. This country has the most advanced and modern infrastructure in Central America, it’s affordable (you can still take a taxi across town for a couple of dollars or have dinner for two with a bottle of wine at one of the city’s trendy restaurants for just $30) and safe and the health care service here are world class. Panama also has one what we think is the world’s best incentive programs for pensioners. What about the cost of real estate? Let’s just say that you’ll be surprised at how much Panama still has to offer.

The World’s Best Retirement Program: Your 3-Step Guide to a Pampered Life

The World’s Best Retirement Program: Your 3-Step Guide to a Pampered Life

Tropical beaches, First-World infrastructure, high-quality health care, welcoming people...there are many things to love about Panama. Retirees are drawn here by the Pensionado Program, one of the best retiree benefits programs in the entire world and for everyone the low cost of living is a major factor in choosing Panama. In this report, we’ll share our three top tips getting your new life in Panama started…as well as the best places to look for your dream home, how to start your real estate hunt, and very importantly the visa options available to you.