Retire Overseas Academy Premium Reports

Retire Overseas Academy Premium Reports

In this special report, we’ll show you how to make your transition overseas fast and easy. We’ll show you the best of the know-how we’ve acquired over the years which includes our version of the 12-Step Program (for selecting your overseas destination and getting underway)…some of the reasons we choose to move overseas, as well as some of the common pitfalls. We talk about having realistic expectations, and even go into some of the nuts and bolts like preparing your pets and getting your medical exams.

South African Giants, Eiffel’s Secret and more…

South African Giants, Eiffel’s Secret and more…

September is a special time in the South African town of Hermanus. The end of this month heralds the arrival of giants just offshore, as the southern right whales return to mate and reproduce. You can get amazing views of these 50-ton behemoths from your hotel room, or catch one of the many chartered boats for an even closer look. Right whales are famously friendly and will often approach boats…a trait that made them an attractive target for the whalers of old. The waters off Hermanus are home to another, more terrifying denizen of the deep: the great white shark. And this is one of the best places in the world to get up close and personal with this awesome predator…from the safety of a cage, of course. For around $110, you can even get a cameraman to film your dive for you.

Tarnished Copper, Shanghai Stocks and more…

Tarnished Copper, Shanghai Stocks and more…

Everyone likes to complain about inflation, right? But I have news for you: There are big changes afoot that are going to make many of the things you buy not more expensive, but less. Crude oil now threatens to test its price low of 2009. But oil isn’t the only commodity under pressure. Coffee is down more than 40% since its recent peak in October of last year. You know what’s doing nearly as badly as coffee? Copper. Copper has broken not one, but two important lines of support. In July, Goldman Sachs slashed its price target for copper in 2016 by 44%. In fact, all industrial metals are doing poorly. I’m talking copper, aluminum, tin, nickel, iron.

Make Your Dream Living Abroad

Make Your Dream Living Abroad

If you dream about a life where you have the freedom to “call the shots”…to pick up and head to a cottage on a sun-dappled beach and “retire” in the tropics…or rent a little getaway in a history-rich colonial town for the winter…or take an apartment for a few months a year in Paris or Buenos Aires…but you need the flexibility that would allow you to leave…and an income that could make it happen…

The House Sitter’s Ultimate Program For Living Rent-Free In High-End Properties All Over The World

The House Sitter’s Ultimate Program For Living Rent-Free In High-End Properties All Over The World

If you want to get in on house-sitting… and want to do it with the most powerful resource on how to live rent-free as a world-traveling house sitter right at your fingertips, then this is your opportunity to make that happen. The House Sitter’s Ultimate Program For Living Rent-Free In High-End Properties All Over The World is a lot more than just reading material. It’s also a way for you to “meet” and “get to know” Michael and Yvonne. With this collection at your fingertips, you’ll know exactly what you need to do – and in what order – each and every time you begin the process of arranging a new house-sit.

The Ultimate Guide to Your Dream Home in Panama Bundle

The Ultimate Guide to Your Dream Home in Panama Bundle

In 2014, International Living ranked Panama the number one place in the world to retire…for so many reasons. This country has the most advanced and modern infrastructure in Central America, it’s affordable (you can still take a taxi across town for a couple of dollars or have dinner for two with a bottle of wine at one of the city’s trendy restaurants for just $30) and safe and the health care service here are world class. Panama also has one what we think is the world’s best incentive programs for pensioners. What about the cost of real estate? Let’s just say that you’ll be surprised at how much Panama still has to offer.

The Secret to a Happier, Healthier, More Affordable Lifestyle

The Secret to a Happier, Healthier, More Affordable Lifestyle

Imagine a retirement where you could spend your time fishing, golfing, hiking, horseback riding, boating, surfing, scuba diving, snorkeling… Where you can enjoy a lower cost of living than what you’re paying now…where the climate and healthcare is better… In this report, we reveal a variety of solutions for somebody looking to live better for less in places where the outdoors are glorious and the weather is sunny. And in your retirement, you’ll have more time to enjoy all these outdoor activities—which all, in turn, leads to a healthier, less stressful lifestyle.

Escape to Panama – Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less 2015

Escape to Panama – Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less 2015

In 2014, International Living ranked Panama the number one place in the world to retire for so many reasons. Panama is not only the most sophisticated offshore haven in the Americas but it also has the best retiree benefits in the world. It also offers true First-World living at a fraction of the cost of back home, along with a huge variety of affordable real estate, and top-class health care. And that’s just the beginning… In Escape to Panama you’ll find 300 pages of property listings, details on cost of living, health care, banking, taxes, residence requirements, and maps…plus contacts to help you buy, rent, start a business, retire, and travel in this glorious country, if you’re seriously interested in Panama, this is the resource for you.