How to Upgrade Your Life Using the ‘Retire At 45’ Program

How to Upgrade Your Life Using the ‘Retire At 45’ Program

From its Caribbean shores to its jungle interior, this nation has great natural beauty to recommend it. Not least of which is a government program designed to entice you to retire and spend more time in Belize—once you are at least 45-years-old. In this special report, we’ll show how you can take full advantage of this special legislation. You’ll be welcomed as a permanent resident with a pathway to citizenship and a second passport.

Platinum Level – Bonus Reports

Platinum Level – Bonus Reports

It’s so easy to find yourself stuck on the treadmill of life…trapped in an endless cycle of work, eat, sleep; work, eat, sleep. Long commutes in heavy traffic, soul-killing work and the constant fear of lay-offs and downsizing. If you’ve ever asked yourself, is this all there is, we’re here to tell you no, it’s not. There is a better life waiting for you—and the weather is a lot better there too. Best of all, you don’t have to wait until retirement age to live the life you love…thousands of Americans with an entrepreneurial spirit have traded in their daily drudgery in the U.S. and headed for sunnier climes and a brighter future abroad. In the process they have found not only new livelihoods, but new lives.

20 Beach Towns Where You Can Buy For Less Than $150,000

20 Beach Towns Where You Can Buy For Less Than $150,000

The best deals and the biggest opportunities in real estate today are not to be found within U.S. borders. Take U.S. coastlines... Sure, America has some gorgeous beaches... and stunning seaside properties. But there’s a severely limited supply, especially of Grade A, beachfront real estate... and a burgeoning demand, especially among Baby Boomers. Even if your budget isn’t small, you’ll have trouble finding a seaside getaway on either U.S. coast that could be called a bargain.

An Array of Affordable Healthcare Options Overseas

An Array of Affordable Healthcare Options Overseas

Some things are the same no matter where you go. And whether you stay home or go overseas, healthcare is an important concern. The main difference—as you’ll discover on page 18—is the affordable array of healthcare options available to you when you leave North America. This month, we take a look at the five best retirement havens for healthcare. While you’ll find good healthcare available in many of the places we talk about, the five we have selected really stand out for affordability and quality of service. In all of these countries you’ll find world-class hospitals, English-speaking doctors, and all the medications you’ll need…and at a fraction of the price in the U.S. Turn to page 18 to find out more.

Solar Stocks, Tax Credits and Street Cred…

Solar Stocks, Tax Credits and Street Cred…

At the beginning of 2015, the crazy market barber was chasing down every solar stock in town with a pair of shears. But against all odds (and the charts) solar stocks are quickly re-growing these days—and setting up a hell of a trading opportunity for you, too. And you’re looking at a 20% gain in just a few months if you have the stones to pull the trigger today. I backed off solar at the beginning of 2015 because every finance article that wasn’t about the oil crash was about solar power. But in February, solar started looking a little less awful. It started slinking higher, while the major averages had a brownout. That was our clue that something big was brewing. The Guggenheim Solar ETF (NYSE:TAN) is now up 20% since bottoming out in January. That’s a new bull market, baby!

Health and Ease in Mountain Surrounds

Health and Ease in Mountain Surrounds

When Bob and Irma Caragol started looking for their new retirement home, they knew what they wanted. “We were looking for a warm climate at a high elevation, enough land for a garden with a good water source, a safe way to diversify our assets, and an affordable cost of living,” recalls Bob. They found all this and more in Santa Fe, Panama. “We are so impressed by the people of Santa Fe,” Bob says. “They are so friendly and helpful and we feel welcome here. There’s no sense of class distinction as in other places, and almost no crime. The environment is unspoiled, with clean rivers and no pollution.”

The Five Best Retirement Havens for Quality Healthcare Overseas

The Five Best Retirement Havens for Quality Healthcare Overseas

Spiraling healthcare and insurance costs are a thing of the past for thousands of North Americans who have found their dream retirement haven abroad. If you’re still mulling your overseas options, then the availability of quality and affordable healthcare is likely a primary concern. Over the next few pages, we explore five countries hand-picked by our expat experts for the exceptionally high quality of their healthcare. All five destinations have become expat hubs, and the North Americans who now call them home—including our correspondents—can attest to the high level of care they’ve received there.

Discover Your Perfect Retirement Overseas

Discover Your Perfect Retirement Overseas

Every year, more and more North Americans are waking up to the immense opportunities that an overseas retirement presents. Some move abroad to embrace new experiences, a different lifestyle—even an exciting new career—unavailable to them at home. Others—worried that a depleted nest egg and spiraling healthcare costs may leave them too little to retire on in North America—discover that many lower-cost countries let them stretch their savings and enjoy a comfortable, even luxurious, retirement.

Escapes for the Gentleman Farmer

Escapes for the Gentleman Farmer

Imagine waking up in the morning and enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee before heading out your back door to get breakfast. You gather eggs from your hens. Tomatoes, peppers, and herbs, all from your kitchen garden, as well as homemade goat cheese, are added for an excellent omelet. The fresh-squeezed orange juice comes from your trees. Life in the cities and suburbs of the U.S. can mean being far removed from the origins of the food we eat. If you dream of getting back to the land, you’ll find hobby farms with fertile soil, ideal growing conditions, and great locations throughout the world.