Pitfalls for Energy Over the Coming Year

Pitfalls for Energy Over the Coming Year

The plain fact is that the world is awash in oil…for the moment. So it’s no great surprise that the oil price is tumbling, as are the shares of oil and gas companies. But I think we’re getting close to a buying opportunity. Global oil supply is already 2.7 million barrels per day (bpd) higher than it was a year ago. Meanwhile, global oil demand is only 700,000 bpd higher than it was a year ago. Don’t panic—this is a seasonal thing. The difference this time around is that we already have a 2 million bpd oil surplus on the market, and production in the U.S. and Middle East looks set to rise through next year. The good news is that not all energy companies are loaded with debt. In fact, some should do quite nicely. But they’re all getting pounded lower now. Of course, that means we’re coming to an incredible buying opportunity in select stocks.

Using Belize’s Retiree Program for an Easy Life

Using Belize’s Retiree Program for an Easy Life

Jim and Kathy Suits had long been planning to move outside the U.S. for retirement. English-speaking, with a tropical climate, and close to North America… little Belize offered a lot to a couple looking to retire abroad. Plus, the feeling of independence they experienced there, and the focus on personal responsibility and family values, had great appeal for the Suits. Belize’s Qualified Retired Persons (QRP) program was one of the main factors in their deciding on Belize. This program makes the transition to a new life in Belize quite easy for expats…and cost-effective. “I liked the QRP. I like the tax advantages. It does have some drawbacks. You don’t get to be a resident. You’re a permanent tourist. But it makes it easy for someone to come down and retire without a lot of headaches,” says Jim.

Find Your Paradise in Panama

Find Your Paradise in Panama

Over the years, Panama has built up a well-deserved reputation as a world-class retirement haven. In the pensionado program, it offers the most comprehensive array of retirement benefits to be found anywhere in the world; 30% off public transport, 50% off entertainment, 20% off medical consultations and much, much more. But there’s a lot more to being a pensionado in Panama than retirement benefits. The country blends modernity with some of the lowest cost of living to be found anywhere; expect to pay a fraction of what you would at home for quality real estate and everyday items.

Real Estate on the “Maya Route”

Real Estate on the “Maya Route”

Encompassing Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, Guatemala, Belize, and parts of El Salvador and Honduras, La Ruta Maya (the “Maya Route”) covers the territory of the Maya civilization, which reached its height from 250 to 900 A.D. One of the New World’s most advanced cultures, the Maya had written language, mathematics, a sophisticated calendar, and architectural skills that saw them construct massive temples and spectacular cities, many of which still stand. However, the Maya were never a single empire; rather, kings ruled over small territories surrounding a city.

Escape to Ecuador – Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less 2014

Escape to Ecuador – Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less 2014

Sell your winter clothes, and prepare for the adventure of your lifetime. In Ecuador, every cliché you’ve heard about living large on little money-about settling into the lap of luxury on even a pensioner’s budget-is true. Take $300 out of the ATM Monday morning-and your expenses are covered for the week. This is one of the world’s cheapest places to live. Ecuador is gentle...safe...healthy...private...civil. As one friend of ours put it: “It’s like living in the 1950s in the U.S.”

Ecuador’s Perfect Income Opportunity

Ecuador’s Perfect Income Opportunity

One country that’s a great place to try out your entrepreneurial side is Ecuador. Your own small import/export concern is a great way to start business here. Done on a small scale, buying merchandise in markets and shops overseas for resale back home can easily pay for your travel or new lifestyle. Done on a larger scale, you can turn this kind of project into a steady income. From gold, silver, and leather goods to statuary, fine alpaca apparel, and magnificent textiles, the choices are endless. In this special report, we’ll tell you why Ecuador is the perfect place for to try this income opportunity.