Puerto Rico’s Opportunity Zone, Life After Smartphones, and More

Puerto Rico’s Opportunity Zone, Life After Smartphones, and More

Palladium is a precious metal, but it serves an industrial use. The metal works in catalytic converters in cars to cut down on emissions. It is a catalyst that turns noxious fumes into benign gases.The silvery-white metal is the choice for gas engines. In contrast, diesel engines most often see platinum used.The clean diesel narrative that carmakers were pushing just a few years ago turned out to be a fairy tale...

Annual Global Retirement Index 2019 – Part Two

Annual Global Retirement Index 2019 – Part Two

With no standing army, 99% of its energy needs met by sustainable sources, and a local population whose national motto, Pura Vida, celebrates the simple joy of living, Costa Rica is without doubt a progressive nation. It’s a safe, stable paradise where clued-in expats have been heading for decades. With an excellent nationalized healthcare system, a mild...

Fast Track Your Retirement Overseas: Lifestyle & Opportunity Conference 2019

Fast Track Your Retirement Overseas: Lifestyle & Opportunity Conference 2019

An easy-going coastal hideaway. A sleepy mountain retreat. An energetic historical city.All sorts of good-value escapes exist overseas today to suit just about any taste in climate or surrounds. And they’re all spots where you can live better for less, spots where the weather is good year-round, and where you can sit back and relax, comfortable in the knowledge that you won’t outlive your nest egg...

QWA December 2018: Why the World’s Savviest Investors Are Using Gold as an Insurance Policy

QWA December 2018: Why the World’s Savviest Investors Are Using Gold as an Insurance Policy

Most of us pay annual insurance on our house, car, and health…but would you insure your lifestyle? “Lifestyle isn’t something you instinctively think to insure,” says financial writer and global investor Jeff Opdyke in your issue this month. Your lifestyle is a function of your job and the income you earn, or in retirement the Read more...: QWA December 2018: Why the World’s Savviest Investors Are Using Gold as an Insurance Policy

Roatán—Live for Less on a Caribbean Island

Roatán—Live for Less on a Caribbean Island

In this Editor’s Debrief, IL Correspondent Don Murray talks to Dan Prescher about a recent scouting trip to the Caribbean island haven of Roatán. Even among Caribbean islands, this place is special. Don was surprised by the rolling hills and lush greenery. Though, Roatán has plenty of beaches, too. What’s more, the cost of living Read more...: Roatán—Live for Less on a Caribbean Island

From a Scratch-Off Map, a Grand European Tour is Born

From a Scratch-Off Map, a Grand European Tour is Born

Inspired by a gift of a world map they received, IL Editors Dan Prescher and Suzan Haskins realized there was a lot of Europe they had yet to visit…and so they started to plan their Grand Tour of Europe. Their goal was to see as many of the European capitals as they could in a Read more...: From a Scratch-Off Map, a Grand European Tour is Born