December 2017

December 2017

I often receive messages from readers inquiring about life in Cotacachi. Sometimes they have specific questions about medical care or if their cat's thyroid medication is available locally. But more often than not, they want to know about opportunities for socializing and keeping themselves busy if they choose to retire here.

October 2017

October 2017

When I first moved to Cotacachi, one of the biggest challenges was finding the best places to get my various needs met. There is no shopping mall here, no Wal-Mart, no mega-grocery store, and no fast food restaurants. However, I can find everything I need—and nearly everything I want—locally.

Peaceful Living and Beautiful Beaches in the Malibu of Ecuador

Peaceful Living and Beautiful Beaches in the Malibu of Ecuador

Home is where the heart is. The familiar adage has taken on new life since I moved to Ecuador. But my journey to get here actually started 37 years ago…when I became so enthralled by Darwin, the Galápagos Islands, and the country of Ecuador in 6th grade science class that I told my teacher I was going there one day.

September 2017

September 2017

Most of us are used to the idea of flying out on a vacation, and picking up a rental car when you arrive at the airport. When you are considering a move to Ecuador, it may seem like an easy decision to rent a car here as well, so that you can roam the countryside, looking for the perfect spot for your new life as an expat.

August 2017

August 2017

In my adult life, I've been what you might call a serial relocator. Four years seems to be the average amount of time I could stay in one spot before feeling the urge to move on. While I've never lived in a place that I would call unfriendly, I did find that making friends could be difficult, especially if you're a semi-introvert like me.

July 2017

July 2017

We talk often of the benefits of living in Ecuador...discounted transportation, utilities, and sales tax for those over age 65...reduced cost of living...comfortable moderate climate...breathtaking scenery...friendly people...and so much more. But I recently took advantage of another great benefit of living in Ecuador: travel to the Galapagos Islands.

June 2017

June 2017

May 24 of this year was a big day for Ecuador. It was the day the country's new president, Lenin Moreno, was sworn into office. This was a monumental occasion for two reasons: First, the country has been under the leadership of Rafael Correa for the last 10 years, so the entry of a new person into office is a big change.