Living in Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Living in Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Here in Tamarindo, on the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica, everybody knows everybody. Long-term expats number in the hundreds. It’s a walkable little 'burg—we can’t stroll through town without stopping several times to talk with friends—and the "Main Street" is lined with shops, cafes, and restaurants run by Costa Ricans, Israelis, Argentinians, Italians, Americans, Canadians...

A Month Living and Working in Quito, Ecuador

A Month Living and Working in Quito, Ecuador

Imagine being able live wherever you want...or taking off on months-long vacations whenever the mood hits you. You sure can't do that with a regular 9-to-5 job. But that doesn't mean it's impossible. Copywriting allows you to live exactly this type of lifestyle...because your workplace becomes anywhere with an Internet connection. Plus, you get to answer to the best boss of all—yourself.