The Global Trade War, A Swiss Home for Your Assets, and More

The Global Trade War, A Swiss Home for Your Assets, and More

The whole trade war/tariff situation is extremely complex. Steel produced in many countries around the world is subsidized by local governments. In other words, over-seas steel manufacturers get special breaks to help them keep costs down. This allows international steel companies to make products cheaply, so they can sell the products in the U.S...

Micro-Condos: Turning Small Homes Into Tidy Profits

Micro-Condos: Turning Small Homes Into Tidy Profits

Lately it feels as though you can’t turn on CNN, or NBC, or flick through the lifestyle pages of a newspaper without seeing something about either micro-condos or tiny homes. Most reports focus on London, Toronto, New York, and the like. They’re the places where the media is starting to pay attention to the phenomenon. But it’s old news already in cities like Hong Kong or Tokyo. The best opportunities to profit from this micro-condo trend are in the places that resemble the Londons or Tokyos of 20, 30, or 40 years ago...

Who Wants a FREE Stay in Panama?

Who Wants a FREE Stay in Panama?

On Thursday, I wrote about our seven discounted condos in Playa Caracol, Panama. We could buy a brand-new, finished condo next to the sand with three bedrooms and bathrooms from $399,800. That's our members-only price. The list price on that condo is $509,885: $110,085 more. You're locking in capital gains from the outset. And, there's more to come. I figure these condos could be worth $700,000 in five years' time.