Puerto Vallarta—Killer Deals When You Know How to Find Them

Puerto Vallarta—Killer Deals When You Know How to Find Them

"The developer here is in jail…” is something I heard a lot. It was alarming…but in a way, it was reassuring, too. Puerto Vallarta—one of Mexico’s most popular expat destinations— is home to an estimated 10,000 North Americans living here full-time. They chose Puerto Vallarta for good reasons. Puerto Vallarta sits at the foot of the grand Sierra Madre mountains that sweep down to the Bay of Banderas. It’s a warm and sunny spot with tropical beaches, fresh ocean breezes, and temperatures that average 73° F to 83° F all year.

Eavesdrop on My Private Conversation…

Eavesdrop on My Private Conversation…

I recently caught up with my contacts from Northeast Brazil, Daniel and Hanna Neves. We talked over how some of the opportunities members of our group have bought are working out—like getting a year’s worth of rent in just one month in the landscape and beach class condos we bought in 2009 and 2010 on top of strong appreciation. And, the rise in values in my recent recommendation of Fazenda Imperial.

The Brazilian Deal I’m Buying Into

The Brazilian Deal I’m Buying Into

Five days ago I told you about the opportunity we have in Fortim, Brazil to buy a lot with a down payment of $4,920 and monthly payments of $312. This is a really strong deal in an area with a stunning stretch of beach that, thanks to a newly upgraded highway, is now only 90 minutes from Fortaleza. There's a new airport 15 minutes away. Fortaleza's new upper middle class is exploding. This is where they will want to have their beach homes.