Crisis Replay… Soon Argentina Will Be on Sale Again

Crisis Replay… Soon Argentina Will Be on Sale Again

Just over a decade ago Argentina spectacularly unraveled with the biggest default in history—$100 billion. Dollar deposits were converted to pesos. Then, overnight, the peg of one-to-one with the dollar was broken. The unpegged currency immediately devalued. Savings were wiped out. Banks were set alight and locals took to the streets in protest.

To Greece!

To Greece!

There will be many more potential tipping points as Greece’s economy and politics continue to unravel. I won’t be watching the news feed. I’ll be on a flight to Greece for two weeks of serious boots-on-the-ground research. That’s more important than the Angela/Antonis body language.

Europe in Crisis

Europe in Crisis

Europe is in crisis. The weaker economies and PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain), borrowed and spent more money than they could afford and now the debt well is running dry. The euro hits new lows by the day and real estate values are tanking in Europe’s periphery—in Ireland and Spain in particular. This means opportunity for you—there are property deals to be found in these two countries. But, you need to know how to buy. In the latest edition of your Quarterly Wealth Advisory, real estate expert Ronan McMahon explains what happened in Ireland and Spain...and details the best way to buy property now.

Best Beach Condos on Ecuador’s Pacific Coast

Best Beach Condos on Ecuador’s Pacific Coast

On Friday I told you about the opportunity to buy a lot at the Jama Campay project on Ecuador’s North Coast. Members of our little group can buy a lot with a starting price of $32,256. With the special member-only finance terms, we can buy this lot with a down payment of $16,128 and monthly payments of $448. But maybe you are looking for something more turnkey?

Best Beach Deal on Ecuador’s Pacific Coast

Best Beach Deal on Ecuador’s Pacific Coast

Ecuador’s nicest 60-mile stretch of coast is now accessible. It’s here, on the best part of this stretch of Pacific Coast, in a “best in class” project, that we can buy a lot from $32,256. This is an “off market” deal—14 lots in this project are only available to members of Real Estate Trend Alert. With the special member-only finance terms, we can buy this lot with a down payment of $16,128 and monthly payments of $448.

Member-only Invitation to the Caribbean this October

Member-only Invitation to the Caribbean this October

On May 31, I told you about the opportunity members of our little group have to buy a lot here with a down payment of $21,350…with 36 monthly payments (interest-free) of $800… and a final payment of $19,200. A small number of these lots are still available. Today, I would like to extend a special invitation to visit and experience what it will be like to spend time here and explore the surrounding areas.