The Undiscovered Intag Valley: Ecuador’s Hidden Eden

The Undiscovered Intag Valley: Ecuador’s Hidden Eden

Tucked into the western slopes of the Andes, 40 miles north of the capital Quito, the Intag Valley possesses that rare kind of climate in which nearly any plant will thrive. Farmers haul in harvests of everything from papayas and passion fruit to carrots and corn. Surrounding their scattered tracts of farmland is a dense jungle of towering palms, broad-leafed ferns and twisting vines. You’ll find more species of orchids than you can count, and a huge variety of bromeliads.

This Ecuadorian “Eco-Valley” Won’t Stay Undiscovered for Long…

This Ecuadorian “Eco-Valley” Won’t Stay Undiscovered for Long…

This thick cover acts as one of the few remaining intact habitats for elusive pumas, jaguars, and other smaller felines. The endangered spectacled bear also calls the Intag home along with hundreds of varieties of exotic birds. As the condor flies, this cloud forest valley is not far from the market town of Otavalo. In fact, it's only 35 miles away by road. But for years now that one-and-only road has been a narrow, mountain-hugging dirt track accessible only from the towns of Otavalo or Cotacachi.

I Was Right About Ecuador

I Was Right About Ecuador

When I made the move to a small highland town in Ecuador two years ago I knew that my new lifestyle would also come with an education. In fact that was part of the appeal. I would learn Spanish, adopt new customs, and adapt to life in a country halfway around the world. It was going to be great. Guess what? I was right; it is awesome, but not necessarily for the reasons I thought it would be. Sure, my original intentions have come to fruition. My Spanish is coming along nicely and I've gained many new friends because of it.

The Rewards of Moving to Ecuador with Kids

The Rewards of Moving to Ecuador with Kids

Like many parents, my husband David and I have always told our children that they should follow their dreams. We’ve told them that they can be whatever they want to be and live wherever they want to live, but that, most importantly, they should pursue their passions. Of course, deep down we realized that they were never going to follow our advice when we refused to do so ourselves.

Fishing and Lazy Days in Pedasí, Panama

Fishing and Lazy Days in Pedasí, Panama

Assorted bruises adorned my legs, exhaustion blanketed my body, and my arms were so sore that I questioned whether they could lift my evening mojito and fresh-from-the-ocean tuna sashimi to my lips. Yet, despite these discomforts, I was sporting an enormous grin that just wouldn’t go away. How did I end up in pain and sipping cocktails with a goofy smile plastered across my face?