Can I Live in Portugal on $1600 a Month?

David J. Says:

I’ve often vacationed in Portugal, and I’d love to live there when I retire. I would be living off my Social Security check, which is around $1600+ a month. Can this be done? Renting in a rural area would be fine if I can keep costs down.


IL Executive Editor Jennifer Stevens Says:

Hi David,

Compared to the rest of Western Europe, Portugal is consistently the winner in terms of an affordable lifestyle in a First-World country.

No matter what, you will still pay less in Portugal’s main cities than in, say, Paris, London, or even Madrid. Living in New York City will cost you a whopping 96.73% more than living in Lisbon.

Naturally, some areas of Portugal are more expensive than others. Living in Porto or Lisbon, a meal will cost you more than in the rural Alentejo region, for example. In cosmopolitan areas, you trade a few euros in exchange for cultural sites, fine dining, and access to public transportation.

With a budget of around $1600 per month, one place to consider is the small city of Beja, in the Altentejo.

This hilltop city of about 35,000 people offers a slow-paced rural lifestyle. Shepherds can be seen with their flocks moving from one field to another. Cows lie lazily in the hot sun and farmers still use horses and tractors for transportation.

It’s possible to rent a three-bedroom, two-bath furnished apartment with a garage for $600 in the area. Expect to pay another $120 for utilities (electric, gas, water, trash), $65 for an internet and phone package, $400 for food, $200 for dining out, $60 for a gym membership for two, $150 for health insurance, and $100 for transportation costs.

You can read more about Beja on the IL website here.

You can also get a much more detailed breakdown of the costs of living in Portugal in our Escape to Portugal guidebook, available on the IL bookstore here.

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