I Rediscovered the Magic of Tamarindo—With a Little Help From a Friend

I Rediscovered the Magic of Tamarindo—With a Little Help From a Friend

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June 25, 2021

I have been grouchy lately. I would say for months. A year? I guess it was lockdowns, canceling multiple plans, and dealing with the ongoing rescheduling aftermath. My initial hopes for a more “normal” 2021 were dashed by personally contracting COVID-19 (it’s still a mystery, since I practically walked around town in a hazmat suit; alcohol sanitizer dripping off me with each step). We’ve all been touched by similar social maladies to one degree or another this past year.

5 Unique Day Trips from Tamarindo, Guanacaste

5 Unique Day Trips from Tamarindo, Guanacaste

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June 25, 2021

One of the quintessential ingredients of living or visiting anywhere in Costa Rica is that you are typically within an hour or two drive of some mysterious landmark, amazing national park, or unusual encounter with nature that will knock your socks off. Of course, you most likely won’t be wearing socks, since you’re in a tropical paradise. Tamarindo makes a perfect “home base” beach town for exploring the nearby splendors of the Nicoya Peninsula in northwestern Costa Rica.

6 Places to Avoid in Costa Rica

6 Places to Avoid in Costa Rica

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June 3, 2021

If you are researching the best places to live (or visit) in Costa Rica, with just a few keystrokes of an online search you’ll be presented with hundreds of suggestions. But on the flip side, there is not much warning about places to avoid. General safety? Yes. But you will find few suggestions of places not to live or even visit. It is time to fill that avoidance void.

Costa Rica On A Budget: Where to Live For $2,500 or Less

Costa Rica On A Budget: Where to Live For $2,500 or Less

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May 20, 2021

Although Costa Rica is no longer considered a “cheap” place to live like it was in the previous century, there are thousands of expats living comfortably on conservative budgets all around the country. Most will tell you their monthly spending is less than the overall cost of living in numerous cities around the U.S., Canada, and Europe.

In Photos: The Top 5 Beaches in Costa Rica

In Photos: The Top 5 Beaches in Costa Rica

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May 15, 2021

When you dream of a vacation (or living) in the tropics, often the first thing you imagine is the coastline. Long sandy stretches of palms swaying in the sea breezes. The waves gently lapping the shore. Playing in the surf or donning a mask and exploring the colorful submerged world. Yes, it is easy to talk about beaches, but it is definitely not so easy to pick the top five.

Escaping to the Southern Zone

Escaping to the Southern Zone

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April 1, 2021

After spending four years living and working in Sydney, Australia, we returned home to Vancouver, Canada, vowing that it would only be for a few years, and then we’d be off again, living and working somewhere new. However, we soon fell into the rat race of demanding careers, buying a house in the suburbs, getting a dog, and starting a family. Our “in a few years” plan became a “someday” plan with no set deadline.