Happy, Healthy, and Stress-Free in Costa Rica’s Southern Zone

Happy, Healthy, and Stress-Free in Costa Rica’s Southern Zone

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July 25, 2016

Nothing beats the diagnosis of an incurable disease for putting the spurs to a plan. When my wife Christine and I left the neurologist’s office in Charleston after being told she had Parkinson’s disease, our trip home to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina began in tears and anger, but then turned to some serious strategic planning…

The American Dream Was Killing Us…So We Moved to Costa Rica

The American Dream Was Killing Us…So We Moved to Costa Rica

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July 18, 2016

My lifestyle has changed significantly since moving to Central America three years ago. One reason my wife Jen and I moved here was because the American Dream was killing us. We both had successful careers and no children; this meant we had a lot of disposable income. We had the large house (occupied only by two people and a dog), two cars, and all the possessions we could want. We had all the things that define “making it” in the U.S.