Solving a Retirement Crisis with Costa Rica’s Low-Costs

Solving a Retirement Crisis with Costa Rica’s Low-Costs

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October 22, 2015

As retirement neared, Bob Beavis, 66, and his wife Linda, 59, thought they were all set. Bob’s last job was as a HR director near Dayton, Ohio, which made him eligible for a state pension. He found his job rewarding and he had a plan. He would put in his 10 years then get free healthcare in retirement, with $50 per month to cover Linda, too.

Replacing the Rat Race with Stunning Views and Good Healthcare

Replacing the Rat Race with Stunning Views and Good Healthcare

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August 26, 2015

"In the U.S., you're always going, going,'s so easy to lose sight of where you're headed. Life got too fast-moving for us", explains Ray Granade. "We always needed to be somewhere, quickly, then somewhere else. It seemed like we were spending an extraordinary amount of time sitting in traffic. Now the longest we wait in the car is usually for a herd of cattle to cross the road," he adds, saying he and his wife Kim, both 63, also wanted to escape the consumerism in the U.S.

In Costa Rica I Have the Beach Life I Could Never Afford in the U.S.

In Costa Rica I Have the Beach Life I Could Never Afford in the U.S.

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August 14, 2015

As the sun set over the Pacific, the silhouettes of fishing boats lined up on the horizon came into sharp relief. Just in front of me, a dozen children clambered through tide pools searching for shells and sea creatures. The strains of reggae from the live band playing at the bar just behind me provided a great soundtrack to this late afternoon on the beach. A friend of mine standing next to me turned and said, “Not bad, huh?”

A Growing Expat Community and Affordable Living in Lake-Side Costa Rica

A Growing Expat Community and Affordable Living in Lake-Side Costa Rica

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August 14, 2015

As I came over the last hill on the road from Tilaran, a small town about 10 minutes from the shore of Lake Arenal, I could see what makes Arenal so special. The stunning lake vistas opened up before me... Most of the land here is forest, pasture, or farm—split by rivers, streams, and rocky waterfalls...natural and unspoiled. And it has that small-town feel, where strangers say "Buenas tardes" as you walk through town or wave if you drive by.

Safety and Security Living Abroad

Safety and Security Living Abroad

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August 14, 2015

The 24-hour media machine fuels this “fear of elsewhere.” Footage of revolutions in the streets and masked gunmen stalking the jungle makes for good TV. Footage of people peacefully and cheerfully going to the market, relaxing on their porch of an evening, and doing the sorts of things normal daily life brings, well, that’s not going to attract the TV news crews, is it?

Costa Rica’s “Secret” Mountain Town Minutes From the Beach

Costa Rica’s “Secret” Mountain Town Minutes From the Beach

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July 15, 2015

I turn off the Pan-American Highway and start up a gentle slope. Well-maintained and brightly-painted homes with gardens full of vivid blue hydrangeas line the fences on either side of the roadway. Mango trees, heavy with almost glowing green and red fruit, loom above. Ten minutes later I’m in the heart of the village. There is a picturesque little white church with a tidy park in front. Children in pressed uniforms file out of their classrooms at the school down the road. Passers-by hail me with a hearty Buenas Tardes as they walk by. I’m in Miramar, a small town in the hills about an hour west of the country’s capital San José. It’s just a 10-minute drive from the Pacific coast. That must be why the garlic seafood dish I ordered at an open-air restaurant in the center of town tasted so fresh…and was just $6.50 for a heaping plate of clams, calamari, fish, and shrimp, with sides of salad and French fries.

$500 rent in Costa Rica (The Monkey in the Garden is Free)

$500 rent in Costa Rica (The Monkey in the Garden is Free)

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July 15, 2015

I stayed in a jungle paradise recently. Every morning I woke up to the sound of toucans and howler monkeys hanging out in the tropical hardwoods around my simple cabin. If you've never heard them, toucans have a sort of high-pitched call that's a cross between a whistle and a laugh. Howlers...well, they issue a guttural roar much too loud than should be coming from such a small monkey.

The Truth About the Cost of Living in Costa Rica

The Truth About the Cost of Living in Costa Rica

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July 6, 2015

My wife Gloria and I have lived in the university town of San Ramon in Costa Rica’s Central Valley for over six years. The climate here is so ideal that we don’t need heat or air conditioning (saving on utility bills). It’s close to the beach (about an hour) and just over 30 minutes to the capital San Jose and all its amenities, including the country’s best hospitals and medical care. San Jose is the country’s shopping Mecca, too, so we have access to everything from international big-box stores to upscale department stores.

Returning to Old American Values in Costa Rica

Returning to Old American Values in Costa Rica

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July 6, 2015

Having lived in Costa Rica’s Orosi Valley for a year now, leaving our lives behind in Dallas was the best thing my partner and I could have done. I knew it would be years before I could afford to retire in the States but I was ready for an adventure. I didn’t want to wait. So I started searching… We visited Costa Rica numerous times in the three years before we moved here to find what we called our “Goldilocks Place.” The beaches were gorgeous, but too warm for our taste. The jungles were amazing, but too humid for us. The Central Valley was cooler and popular with expats, but just not quite what we were looking for. Then we found our place in the mountains of the Orosi Valley, about 20 miles south of the capital San Jose. It was “just right.”

Natural Beauty and Better Health in Grecia, Costa Rica

Natural Beauty and Better Health in Grecia, Costa Rica

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July 6, 2015

I always tell people that I chose the Central Valley town of Grecia to retire to because it reminds me so much of my hometown of Ybor City, Florida...back in the 1950s. The warm-hearted people, the magnificent natural beauty, the weekly feria (farmer's market) with its fresh flowers, eggs, chicken, and just-picked produce, brought by the farmers in their trucks directly from the farm, and the pura vida (pure life) all drew me here to Costa Rica.