The Duncans Couldn’t Quite Relax in Costa Rica…

The Duncans Couldn’t Quite Relax in Costa Rica…

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July 7, 2014

On that trip in 2000, the couple bought a lot for $30,000 in a gated community just outside the small village of Ojochal, which sits just off the two-lane coastal highway. Their aim was to build a home for their retirement and use it as a vacation property themselves and also for rental income. They visited often during the building process. In 2007, they moved down permanently.

Why I Keep Going Back to Costa Rica’s Great Lake Region

Why I Keep Going Back to Costa Rica’s Great Lake Region

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June 9, 2014

I visited the Lake Arenal region a few weeks back with family from out of town. When people visit us here in Costa Rica, we usually end up there at some point. Just three hours by car from our home in the Central Valley (and the international airport), it's an easy drive—very picturesque as you pass through the rain forest, farmland, and small villages of the countryside.

Laid-Back, Affordable Living on Costa Rica’s Caribbean Coast

Laid-Back, Affordable Living on Costa Rica’s Caribbean Coast

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May 16, 2014

Head out of San Jose, crest the cloud forest-covered mountains to the west of Costa Rica's capital, and in about two hours you're on the Caribbean coast. Another two hours or so south and you're in the heart of the region. A pretty short ride...but it's like a different world. The tourist development of the Pacific coast never made it out here. So no big resorts, no golf courses, no high-rise condos...

A Surfer Finds His Paradise on Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast

A Surfer Finds His Paradise on Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast

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May 16, 2014

When I'm back visiting the U.S. and tell people I live in Costa Rica...I already know the picture they have in their mind. It's a shoreline. First, the brilliant blue water...a strip of sand unmarred by footprints...a fringe of palm trees...then a rain forest with towering trees and lush vegetation alive with toucans and capuchin monkeys...and finally jagged green-covered mountains looming behind it all.

Off-the-Beaten Track Homes in Costa Rica…From $80,000

Off-the-Beaten Track Homes in Costa Rica…From $80,000

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April 14, 2014

Of all the places I've visited in Costa Rica, the Nicoya Peninsula is the one that feels most like the frontier. It's a somewhat isolated region, with mile after mile of untouched coastline along the blue Pacific, craggy hills, vast cattle farms in the interior, and mazes of what are often dirt roads running through forests and fields. It's also one of the world's Blue Zones, where researchers have found that locals live longer on average due to a combination of diet, climate, and lifestyle.