Rent for $400, Lunch for $3…This is the World’s Best Retirement Haven

Rent for $400, Lunch for $3…This is the World’s Best Retirement Haven

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October 23, 2015

I love my life in Cuenca, Ecuador. I start the morning with a coffee on my terrace, watching the hummingbirds flit around the feeders that I put up and just enjoying the view. A walk to el centro takes me to the little tienda (store) that sells a pound of Loja coffee (really delicious) for only $3.50, then lunch with friends, and maybe a walk along the Rio Tomebamba or an ice cream cone in the picturesque Parque Calderon.

I’d Rather See a Doctor in Ecuador

I’d Rather See a Doctor in Ecuador

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September 1, 2015

Not long ago I found myself suffering a major sinus infection. My head was pounding and I had a cough that kept me (and my husband) awake all night...I was exhausted. Nothing I was taking over-the-counter was helping. I needed to see a doctor. Unfortunately, I was visiting the States. At the doctor’s office in Omaha, I got right in. I did the interview with the nurse about my prior health history and what my symptoms were.

Rent for $400, Lunch for $3…This is the World’s Best Retirement Haven

Rent for $400, Lunch for $3…This is the World’s Best Retirement Haven

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September 1, 2015

I love my life in Cuenca, Ecuador. I start the morning with a coffee on my terrace, watching the hummingbirds flit around the feeders that I put up and just enjoying the view. A walk to el centro takes me to the little tienda (store) that sells a pound of Loja coffee (really delicious) for only $3.50, then lunch with friends, and maybe a walk along the Rio Tomebamba or an ice cream cone in the picturesque Parque Calderon.

Three Great Day Trips in Quito, Ecuador

Three Great Day Trips in Quito, Ecuador

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August 26, 2015

If you remember your middle school geography you’ll know that Quito is the capital of Ecuador. It’s also a city rich with history, culture, and amazing features all around. Situated high in the Andes Mountains the weather is cool, the scenery sublime, and the people as friendly as they come. Quito though tends to be overlooked by visitors in favor of Ecuador’s big ticket tourist attractions like the Galapagos, the Amazon Basin, and the Otavalo Craft Market.

Free Your Entrepreneurial Soul in Ecuador

Free Your Entrepreneurial Soul in Ecuador

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August 26, 2015

My four-year anniversary of living in Ecuador is rapidly closing in and it's caused me to do a bit of reflecting on my time here. There was so much that attracted my family and I to the country in the first place...and in these last four years that list of positives has only grown. On a gorgeous sun-filled day like today I only have to look out my windows to be reminded of why life here is wonderful. I've got four volcanoes showing their stuff right now, one of which is laced with snow this morning and another sports a permanent snowcap.

Adapting to Life as an Expat

Adapting to Life as an Expat

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August 26, 2015

How easy is it to adapt to life in a new country?” Well, the answer is going to be different depending on who you are and how adaptable you’re willing to be. I’m a planner by nature. You know, one of those people who likes to make lists, check things off, and know that all is going according to plan. Winging it is fine in certain situations, but when it comes to major life changes I feel better knowing that all of my I’s are dotted and my T’s are crossed.

What Things Cost in the World’s Best Retirement Haven

What Things Cost in the World’s Best Retirement Haven

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July 27, 2015

One of the many great things about living in Ecuador is that flights to the U.S. are frequent and easy. You can fly nonstop from Quito to Miami in four hours and from Guayaquil to New York in less than seven hours. I’ve just returned to Cuenca after spending some time visiting family back in the U.S. Being in the States got me thinking about how much I spend on everyday items like food here in Ecuador.