My Favorite Things to Do in Quito, Ecuador’s Capital

My Favorite Things to Do in Quito, Ecuador’s Capital

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July 6, 2015

Each time I visit Quito, I get to explore new and interesting areas, hear of fabulous events taking place, and meet more wonderful people. Among Quito’s 2-million-plus populace is a large community of international folks enjoying the affordable life and big-city buzz. You’ll find them pretty spread out, as there are neighborhoods and lifestyles to suit most tastes. But they’re all making the most of what Quito offers…which is a lot. Here’s some of my favorite things to do…

Moving to Cuenca, Ecuador Saved Their Retirement Nest Egg

Moving to Cuenca, Ecuador Saved Their Retirement Nest Egg

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June 8, 2015

“My husband and I were happily living in Arizona in a retirement community when, in 2008, everything changed,” says Patty Grimm. The financial crisis dealt the couple a heavy blow, and they no longer felt they could live the same quality of life on their retirement income. “We knew that if we wanted to keep our nest egg, we’d have to look outside of the U.S. to live.” Six years later, the Grimms are in the high Andes and enjoying an affordable and high-quality retirement in one of the world’s foremost retirement destinations—Cuenca, Ecuador.

Cotacachi, Ecuador Is What Small-Town USA Once Was

Cotacachi, Ecuador Is What Small-Town USA Once Was

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June 5, 2015

Small town USA has been a coveted notion since the days when Andy Taylor and Barney Fife graced our television screens. Though a fictional setting, Mayberry wasn't too different from other small towns at that time. It was a place where neighbors knew one another, where folks came to each other's aid in times of need, and where children could roam the streets without fear.

Rent in Ecuador’s Eden, Vilcabamba, For $600 or Less

Rent in Ecuador’s Eden, Vilcabamba, For $600 or Less

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May 20, 2015

Vilcabamba is a great prospect for anyone who loves the country. The properties are diverse enough so that there is something for everyone. There are farms, upscale homes in gated communities, and houses inspired by the green movement, with a low environmental impact. There is even a little domed house reminiscent of Tolkien’s hobbit holes just a few minutes from town. One Vilcabamba expat has compared the town to Ojai, California. The springtime temperatures of Ojai would be on a par with those of Vilcabamba, but even more similarities are found in the lifestyle. Ojai is known for its health-conscious, spiritually-minded, artistic atmosphere. Vilcabamba is much the same, though on a smaller scale.

The Secret to Fun in the World’s Best Retirement Haven

The Secret to Fun in the World’s Best Retirement Haven

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April 27, 2015

My wife, Cynthia, and I moved to Cuenca, Ecuador, almost five years ago with no plans other than to have fun and look for interesting opportunities. Retirement had kind of taken us by surprise. The "Economic Tsunami of 2008" slapped us pretty hard, so that retirement had arrived sooner than expected. Still, we had for years been envisioning what it would look like: a life where we were free to pursue the activities and interests we wanted to and not be held hostage by busy careers and hectic schedules.

Lunch for $2.50, Rent for $225, and the Scenery for Free in Ecuador

Lunch for $2.50, Rent for $225, and the Scenery for Free in Ecuador

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April 23, 2015

While the wind blows and the snow flies in Colleen Thom's old stomping grounds of Alberta, Canada, she and her husband Bill are enjoying their new life in a year-round paradise. For the last year Colleen and Bill have been living a life of warmth, friends, and adventure in the small Andean mountain town of Vilcabamba, Ecuador.

Paradise in Ecuador for Pennies on the Dollar

Paradise in Ecuador for Pennies on the Dollar

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March 30, 2015

"I feel like it's a real gift to be here," says Vilcabamba expat Jeff Hutner. It's a sentiment I have heard echoed time and again from expats in this part of Ecuador. What's so enthralling about this little highland town just north of the Peruvian border? Well, for Jeff and his wife Jamie, it's the ability to afford a quality life surrounded by beauty. Nestled into a warm valley ringed by high Andean peaks, the town of Vilcabamba leaves little to be desired. The warm (but not steamy) year-round weather is perfect for plant life. Trees with surfboard-sized fronds stand watch over neon flowers and creeping vines. Crystalline rivers tumble through the valley and there are plenty of hiking trails crisscrossing the slopes.

Experience Ecuador’s Best Local Traditions

Experience Ecuador’s Best Local Traditions

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March 23, 2015

Every year, more than a million visitors travel to Ecuador for a taste of what this small South American country offers. The Galapagos Islands are undoubtedly Ecuador’s biggest attraction, but those who choose to explore the mainland itself are in for a cultural treat. This equatorial country is soaked in tradition—some of which originated in the times of the Incas, or even earlier. I’ve lived in Ecuador for three years and the longer I’m here, the more I learn and experience. And because the locals are so friendly and welcoming, I’m often included in their traditions—if you spend more than a few days in one place here, you will be too.

Goldilocks and the City of Cuenca

Goldilocks and the City of Cuenca

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March 16, 2015

Once upon a time there was a girl named Goldilocks who wanted to move abroad. Now Goldilocks was very particular—she wanted everything to be "just right." One day Goldilocks was reading her International Living magazine and learned about a city in Ecuador called Cuenca. The more she read, the more excited she became. Goldilocks thought, "Wow, this place seems perfect!" Being very particular, she decided to visit Cuenca to see for herself.