The U.S. Versus Ecuador

The U.S. Versus Ecuador

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March 9, 2015

My husband Dan Prescher and I were in the States for the Christmas holidays last year—the most frenetic and stressful time to visit. There’s so much pressure, so much to do, so much to spend money on…and it’s icy cold! Temperatures for a few days running while we were visiting in Omaha hovered at about 5 degrees Fahrenheit. I hate to admit this, but there were a few days when I couldn’t bring myself to leave the house. I’m no longer used to (or very tolerant of) those kinds of bone-chilling, life-threatening temperatures. And that’s not to mention that the sun depressingly slips away at 4:30 p.m. on a winter afternoon.

The Truth About Costs in Ecuador

The Truth About Costs in Ecuador

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February 16, 2015

The other day my wife and I went out for lunch. We live in a small craft village in the northern Andes of Ecuador, and one of our options is a place called El Convento. It's in the tidy little tiled and terraced courtyard of a former convent in back of the large church at the center of town. The menu is fixed and changes daily. When we stopped in, our menu started with locro de haba, a lightly creamed soup of fava beans, potatoes, cabbage, and chicken stock with a short pork rib thrown in for good measure. Like most locros served in Ecuador, it came with a side of popcorn and aji, the local hot sauce. Popcorn is a snack and also a garnish here, and the hot sauces are homemade…

Better Health, More Happiness, and Lower Costs in Cuenca

Better Health, More Happiness, and Lower Costs in Cuenca

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February 16, 2015

Though we moved to picturesque colonial city of Cuenca, Ecuador in 2010, we left again two years ago. That's right...we left our retirement paradise to try out life on the Central Coast of California in San Luis Obispo where we spent our honeymoon 40 years ago. We were 20 minutes from the Pacific Ocean with its spectacular fireball sunsets and enjoyed some of California's best beaches, including Pismo, Morro Bay, and Avila. It was our good fortune, to find a 1,200-square-foot apartment on Craigslist—fully furnished—for $895 a month (with utilities and internet it came to $960). It was a bargain.

Rent in Loja, Ecuador’s Undiscovered Colonial City for $300 a Month

Rent in Loja, Ecuador’s Undiscovered Colonial City for $300 a Month

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February 9, 2015

I’ve been doing a bit of travel around Ecuador recently, and in December I stumbled onto my new favorite city. Restored grand colonial buildings sport fresh bright paint. Tumbling rivers run right through the heart of the city. A growing international expat community and ridiculously friendly locals make fitting in easy and dining options range from traditional local dishes to Chinese, Mexican, Arabic, Japanese, Italian, and even good old Texan fare. By now, you might be guessing that the city I’m describing is expat-favorite Cuenca or the capital of Quito. Those would be fair guesses…but they’re wrong. The city that swept me off my feet is Loja—Cuenca’s little sister to the south.

Come to Ecuador for the World’s Best Weather

Come to Ecuador for the World’s Best Weather

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February 9, 2015

What’s the weather like where you are right now? And what do the upcoming months have in store for you weather-wise? Are cold northerly winds, deadly ice, and heavy, wet snow part of the forecast? (And that’s not to mention the darkness.) I used to dread winter in the U.S.—when the sun didn’t show itself until well after breakfast and then slipped away again before the afternoon rush hour traffic even thought about getting started.

“I Wasn’t Sure About Ecuador”

“I Wasn’t Sure About Ecuador”

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January 26, 2015

Last year, at the International Living Fast-Track Ecuador Conference in Quito, Ecuador, I spent a few minutes chatting with a woman from Idaho. She and her husband (well, mostly her husband) were thinking of retiring to Ecuador. "Before I got here," she said, "I wasn't at all sure about this idea. Heck, I didn't really even know where Ecuador was...but my husband convinced me to at least come down for a look. And I owe him that." We chatted a bit about the husband/wife dynamic and about how, when you're faced with retirement, there are so many decisions, and yes, compromises, to be made.

Ecuador’s Secret Beaches

Ecuador’s Secret Beaches

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January 26, 2015

Have you ever been to a place so breathtakingly beautiful you never wanted to leave? And once you did, you couldn't stop thinking about it? Los Frailes is that place for my husband and me. Better yet, it's one of Ecuador's best kept I am going to share with you... The first time we visited this unspoiled piece of paradise I let out an audible gasp when I caught a glimpse of the beach's turquoise-blue waters and its white sand. I turned to my husband, Mark, and whispered, "You have to promise me you'll never tell anyone about this place." It reminded me of Horseshoe Bay in Bermuda where we spent our 25th wedding anniversary.

A Beach Town in Ecuador Saved Our Retirement

A Beach Town in Ecuador Saved Our Retirement

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January 19, 2015

Gary lost his job as a producer selling commercial printing after 30 years with the same company. Louise says, “It was terrifying; we went from a very livable income to nothing in a matter of minutes.” Fortunately, as a stay-at-home mom, Louise had set up a lighting business several years before Gary’s job loss. “Gary joined me and we expanded my little business into a very lucrative lighting business. We designed and manufactured the most wonderful, whimsical lighting.”

What Ecuador’s “Little Cuenca” Can Offer You

What Ecuador’s “Little Cuenca” Can Offer You

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January 19, 2015

A little distance away from Ecuador’s famed colonial city of Cuenca lies a small city that you might never have heard of…but which is rapidly becoming a retiree favorite. Just about an hour away from Cuenca, you’ll find Paute, a destination with a population of about 30,000 people—a tenth of Cuenca’s population. It’s fast becoming known as “Little Cuenca” as more “Norte Americanos” are finding their way to the outskirts of the city with its laidback lifestyle. Randy and Karen Kimbler are just two of the expats who are enjoying the slower pace of life in Paute.

This Little Mountain Town in Ecuador Will Make You Smile

This Little Mountain Town in Ecuador Will Make You Smile

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January 12, 2015

It's hard not to smile a lot when you live in Cotacachi, Ecuador. Take, for example, my walk through the leather-boutique-laden main street this morning. I strolled a total of five blocks and encountered more familiar faces than I could count. Alberto, a local landscaper, greeted me with a "Buenos dias, Señora Wendy" as he zipped by on his well-used bicycle. My Canadian friends Brian and Janette stopped to chat for a few minutes and catch up. As we finished our discussion I heard a shouted "Hola, Wendy." I turned to see one of my regular cab drivers, Richar, rolling by in his freshly washed yellow taxi, arm out the window and wide grin on his face.