Fun, Adventure, and Affordable Living in Jungle-Town Ecuador

Fun, Adventure, and Affordable Living in Jungle-Town Ecuador

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January 12, 2015

Eighteen years ago along with my whole family, I moved from Colorado to Ecuador. Most people thought we were crazy, but that decision opened my eyes to a beautiful world and changed my life forever...for the better! It didn't take long for me to fall in love with Ecuador...especially with our new home town of Tena. There is a vibe about Tena, a feeling of youth, fun, and adventure. That atmosphere is contagious and impossible to shake. It's rather like a hip beach town...except instead of the ocean we have rivers, instead of sand we have jungle, and instead of surfers we have kayakers. The laidback lifestyle is one of my favorite things about Tena and about Ecuador as a whole.

Living “La Dolce Vita” in Cuenca, Ecuador

Living “La Dolce Vita” in Cuenca, Ecuador

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January 12, 2015

I'll be honest; Cuenca, Ecuador was not my number one retirement destination—it was Italy. My husband, Mark, and I lived there for six years in our 20s and 30s, our older son was born there, and it was the birthplace of Mark's grandparents. Yes, I married into one big, loud, happy Italian family. It was the best of times—la dolce vita—a life of pleasure and simple luxuries. And what a life we had in a villa on the Mediterranean...enjoying fresh fish and pasta every day...taking walks along the "lungomare" (seafront)...and watching spectacular sunsets from our terrazza every evening. I desperately wanted it all back when we retired at 55. But then we discovered Cuenca, Ecuador while doing an Internet search for the best places in the world to retire. Mark made his first exploratory trip in February of 2010 without me.

See Your Future in Temperate Ecuador

See Your Future in Temperate Ecuador

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January 12, 2015

As a time to reflect on the past and envision the future, New Year is unrivaled among holidays. Especially in the northern climes, where the holiday coincides roughly with the Winter Solstice and the shortest day of the year, New Year is an important spot on the seasonal cycle. The nights are as long and the days are as short as they're going to get... It's all uphill, sunlight-wise, from there on. So it's a time of hope, of renewal, of looking forward.

Improve Your Health With a Better Diet in Ecuador

Improve Your Health With a Better Diet in Ecuador

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January 5, 2015

Ecuador makes it to the top of the list for many people who are considering a move abroad. Climate, cost of living, culture, and ease of obtaining residence are some of the reasons often cited. But an often overlooked benefit is the potential for improved health due to a better diet. Most expats in Ecuador find themselves eating much more fresh produce than they did back home and the reason can be summed up in two words—variety and availability. While Ecuador does have supermarkets, every town has a centrally located farmer’s market. This is where most people prefer to shop, especially for produce. And the reason is simple. The variety of fruits and vegetables is great quality and prices are typically a fraction of what you’d pay back home. In addition, because of the climate, fresh produce is available year-round. This reduces or eliminates the need to buy frozen or canned foods.

Tasty Treats: Ecuador’s Best Regional Foods

Tasty Treats: Ecuador’s Best Regional Foods

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January 5, 2015

When people think about fine international cuisine, places like Paris, Rome, and Tokyo are usually what come to mind. If you’re looking for something with a spicy kick, head to Mexico. Want something healthy and delicious? Check out the Mediterranean. Rarely though do people equate the small South American country of Ecuador with great food, and in failing to do so they’re missing out on a whole range of tasty treats. It’s true that Ecuador does not have the gourmet culture that many other countries enjoy, but that doesn’t mean it should be completely dismissed. Take a look at a few of the regional palate pleasers that can be found throughout the country.

Ecuador Has Changed Me…

Ecuador Has Changed Me…

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December 22, 2014

My first stop was Las Vegas for a recent International Living conference. The conference was fabulous and I loved chatting with potential expats and helping answer all of those big questions that need to be asked before an international move. But, in my downtime I began to notice some differences in myself. To start, I found during my first nights away, that I missed seeing the stars. While the lights of the Las Vegas strip are a sight to see, it never truly gets dark in Vegas. I longed for my view from quiet Cotacachi where millions of celestial bodies are visible on a clear evening from the middle of the world. It may seem trivial, but I felt out of place surrounded by man-made replicas of world wonders, when typically I sleep right in the midst of the real thing.

Escaping the Rat Race for Cultured Cuenca

Escaping the Rat Race for Cultured Cuenca

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December 17, 2014

While most New Yorkers are busy trying to make a living and not a life, Diane and Jim Shanley are enjoying the fun life in sunny Cuenca, Ecuador. There was a lot to draw the couple to this city. Cuenca, the "pearl" of Ecuador nestled high in the Andes Mountains at 8,314 feet, boasts spring-like temperatures in the 50s to high 70s all year long. It's the cultural capital of Ecuador with free concerts, an international film festival, and plentiful gourmet restaurants. It's also a UNESCO World Heritage site with stunning colonial architecture, which attracts tourists from around the world.

Ecuador’s Not Perfect…

Ecuador’s Not Perfect…

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December 17, 2014

Beautiful, friendly, perfect climate, inexpensive. There...I've just told you why I think Ecuador is the best place on earth to retire. The mountains and Pacific coast are remarkably gorgeous. The people are about as easygoing as people get. Being on the equator, the weather changes with the altitude, so you can pick any climate you like. And the cost of living can be astoundingly low, especially when you take high utility bills and property taxes out of the budget equation.

The Secret Hideaway in Ecuador That’s Surprisingly Affordable

The Secret Hideaway in Ecuador That’s Surprisingly Affordable

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December 17, 2014

My stomach is happily full after a delicious rice dish stuffed full of clams and chopped vegetables. As I sit sipping the last of my fresh lemonade under the umbrella-shaded outdoor table, a cool breeze whispers past. Families amble by, politely wishing me “buen provecho” (“enjoy your meal”) while kayakers across the street load their gear into a shiny new pickup. All the while wild birds mingle their notes with the Latin rhythms spilling from the restaurant. Where am I? I’m in the Ecuadorean jungle town of Tena…and to be honest this is not at all how I had imagined the Amazon to be.

The Art of Living Well in Cuenca, Ecuador

The Art of Living Well in Cuenca, Ecuador

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December 17, 2014

Like so many baby boomers, Suzy Giles felt she was destined to continue working full-time in the U.S. She wasn't working a bad gig—conducting wine tours in Napa Valley, California—but it didn't leave much time to pursue her passion for painting. So she began to explore her options overseas for a location affordable enough to allow her to retire...and discovered Cuenca, Ecuador. After visiting the colonial city twice, Suzy took the leap. That was almost two years ago and the decision has proven to be a good one. "I wanted an adventure," says Suzy. "I needed to stay out of life's ruts and to get out of my comfort zone."