Indulge for Less in Cotacachi, Ecuador

Indulge for Less in Cotacachi, Ecuador

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August 25, 2014

I worked hard when I lived in the U.S. Not only did my husband and I have intense jobs, we also homeschooled our children and managed our 10 acres of land in northern Idaho. Additionally, because we'd built our off-grid cabin by hand, we had the pleasure of hauling, splitting, and stacking firewood along with pitching snow off the roof and out of the driveway come winter.

Believe it or not, I actually enjoyed much of the lifestyle, but there were days when I fantasized about pampering myself. A day of being spoiled at the spa followed by a gourmet meal prepared by someone other than myself was sure appealing. But, aside from the one massage that my husband bought me for my birthday, I never did indulge myself. Why not? Well the cost was a bit prohibitive and, while I probably could have afforded to spend the money on myself, I simply couldn't do it without a lot of guilt.

A Big Question About Living Overseas

A Big Question About Living Overseas

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August 18, 2014

"Won't you miss your family and friends if you move overseas?" That's a question we at IL get asked a lot, and the answer is... "Of course you will." It's something my husband Dan and I have experience of. We didn't think about it too much when we moved to Ecuador back in 2001. With the exception of Dan's mother, none of our family—my parents and our siblings—lived in the same city as we did.

Live in the Town of Hot Springs and Miracle Cures for $1,500 a Month

Live in the Town of Hot Springs and Miracle Cures for $1,500 a Month

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August 7, 2014

Perched just five miles from Mama’s summit on her northern side is the town of Baños (population about 20,000). As the lore goes, Baños is Mama’s love child, and she protects it. She’s certainly passed on an inheritance, for—thanks to Tungurahua’s hot temper—Baños is blessed with an abundance of thermal waters. Those waters, and the stunning natural setting, have made Baños a popular spa and outdoor-sports town, as well as home to a small community of expats.

Are You Cut Out for the Expat Life?

Are You Cut Out for the Expat Life?

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July 22, 2014

What makes for a happy expat? This is something I think about often, because honestly...not everyone is cut out for the expat life. The rewards are tremendous and it's a wonderful, life-changing experience, but there are challenges—and most are easy to get beyond. From my experience (and I've been an expat for 13 years now), those who thrive living overseas are those who are well prepared ahead of time. They've done lots of research and they know what they're getting into. Overall, they have positive, optimistic perspectives about most everything...

Fall in Love with Jungle Life in Tena, Ecuador

Fall in Love with Jungle Life in Tena, Ecuador

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June 9, 2014

Toucans and macaws glide around the lush jungle canopy and scores of monkeys parade through the overhanging branches. Neon-green and electric-blue butterflies of preposterous sizes flit across gurgling streams, while waterfalls drop into deep pools. Welcome to one of my favorites among Ecuador’s secret spots…a place hidden in the east of the country, where indigenous shamans still perform timeless rituals and a small number of adventurous expats have found new lives surrounded by nature.

Teaching English in Loja, Ecuador is a Real Treasure

Teaching English in Loja, Ecuador is a Real Treasure

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May 19, 2014

Wanted: intrepid explorers...adventurers with a thirst for different cultures...must be willing to taste new and exotic foods...have a deep and friendly smile...age choose your working hours but remember to leave enough time to travel, an instant social life filled to the brim with colorful people who will genuinely try to make your life as easy as possible and you'll even get paid!

What’s So Great About Ecuador

What’s So Great About Ecuador

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May 16, 2014

People ask me all the time what it is that I love about Ecuador and I rarely have a good answer. Not because it's difficult to come up with an answer but rather there is so much to love that I never know where to start. Sometimes I fall back on the standard lines about the low cost of living, great climate, and close proximity to the U.S. Every one of those traits makes Ecuador appealing, but those are just bonuses, not what I've come to love. I love that I can...

An Ecuadorian Local Treasure We Highly Recommend

An Ecuadorian Local Treasure We Highly Recommend

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May 6, 2014

Last weekend my wife, Suzan, and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary in one of the most unique spots we’ve ever visited. We left our home in Cotacachi before noon and drove north, deeper into the Ecuador province of Imbabura. Our driver had asked if we wanted to take the “scenic route” instead of taking the Pan American Highway, and we happily agreed.