The Best Days of Your Life Are the New Normal in Ecuador

The Best Days of Your Life Are the New Normal in Ecuador

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February 17, 2014

The place was packed; festive and noisy with a funky, thumping rhythm adding to the party atmosphere. It was a mixed crowd—some retired gringos along with a younger North American group accounted for about 60% with the rest a mix of European travelers and locals. Everyone was having a great time. My wife Diane and I were fortunate to snag a table. At the very moment a group stood to leave, I moved quickly to claim the space.

What Do Retirees Overseas Do All Day?

What Do Retirees Overseas Do All Day?

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February 17, 2014

But nature abhors a vacuum, and I know of no one here simply staring out the window wondering how to spend their time. During four years of living in Cuenca I have been amazed to observe the many creative outlets foreign residents dream up to be active and productive. Free from the yoke of employment (although many expat-run businesses have sprung up) folks are starting foundations and volunteering, learning Spanish and teaching English, tending animals and growing food, traveling in Ecuador and far beyond its borders.

Our Ecuador Vacation Lasted a Lifetime

Our Ecuador Vacation Lasted a Lifetime

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February 10, 2014

There are people who plan carefully for the future—folks who weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of major decisions, then make life changes in careful, graduated steps... My wife Ann and I are not those people. When we announced to family and friends that we were selling our home and moving to the beach town of Salinas, Ecuador, they were—to put it mildly—shocked. Looking back, I can't say that I blame them.

Why Wait? “Perfect Weather, Low Costs, Incredible Views”

Why Wait? “Perfect Weather, Low Costs, Incredible Views”

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February 3, 2014

There are people who plan carefully for the future—folks who weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of major decisions, then make life changes in careful, graduated steps… My wife Ann and I are not those people. When we announced to family and friends that we were selling our home and moving to the beach town of Salinas, Ecuador, they were—to put it mildly—shocked.

Life Just Gets Easier in Ecuador…

Life Just Gets Easier in Ecuador…

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January 20, 2014

It's interesting what you get used to—and what you forget about that you used to be used to. Since moving to Cuenca, Ecuador three and a half years ago my wife and I have noted how much simpler our life has become. For us moving abroad and retirement went hand in hand, so we've attributed this phenomenon to no longer having careers with the accompanying stress and pressure.

The Adventure of a Lifetime: A Dream Retirement in Ecuador

The Adventure of a Lifetime: A Dream Retirement in Ecuador

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January 20, 2014

I often catch myself being taken aback by the stunning view of the Pacific that greets me from every western-facing window of my home in San Vicente, Ecuador. I don't know exactly why I still experience a flash of surprise at the sight at this point. Maybe it's because less than two years ago, such a thing was merely a dream. Like so many when the Great Recession struck, my husband and I were struggling to maintain the lifestyle we had built over the years.

I Was Right About Ecuador

I Was Right About Ecuador

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January 20, 2014

When I made the move to a small highland town in Ecuador two years ago I knew that my new lifestyle would also come with an education. In fact that was part of the appeal. I would learn Spanish, adopt new customs, and adapt to life in a country halfway around the world. It was going to be great. Guess what? I was right; it is awesome, but not necessarily for the reasons I thought it would be. Sure, my original intentions have come to fruition. My Spanish is coming along nicely and I've gained many new friends because of it.