The Rewards of Moving to Ecuador with Kids

The Rewards of Moving to Ecuador with Kids

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January 6, 2014

Like many parents, my husband David and I have always told our children that they should follow their dreams. We’ve told them that they can be whatever they want to be and live wherever they want to live, but that, most importantly, they should pursue their passions. Of course, deep down we realized that they were never going to follow our advice when we refused to do so ourselves.

“Beach Condo or City House in Ecuador? We Can Afford Both”

“Beach Condo or City House in Ecuador? We Can Afford Both”

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January 6, 2014

I'm typing this from the comfort of a lawn chair on the patio of my house in Quito. It's early December and even though Quito is moving into winter, today is warm and sunny. Quito, Ecuador's capital (a UNESCO World Heritage site), sits on the spine of the Andes nestled between two mountain ranges and several ice-capped volcanoes. The climate is mild, with high temperatures in the 70s and lows of around 50.

Sun, Sand and Good Living in Ecuador’s Top Beach Town

Sun, Sand and Good Living in Ecuador’s Top Beach Town

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January 6, 2014

Outside the window of the condo I was renting, two huge pelicans sat nodding in the sun. Or so it seemed. Because in an instant, and in perfect synchronicity, they leapt from their perch, pulled in their wings, and dove headfirst to the emerald water below. No small feat since we were 20 floors up. Hmm, I wondered, what's for dinner? Because, as the pelicans know, these waters are rich with a choice of seafood or every kind.

Small-Town Beach Life in Ecuador

Small-Town Beach Life in Ecuador

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January 2, 2014

Crucita is about 40 minutes north of Manta, Ecuador's largest coastal city. But while Manta is big and busy and full of shopping and social opportunities, Crucita is the opposite. It's a little fishing village with a produce market, a fish market, but no supermarket... You can get eggs, bread, beer, toilet paper, soap and other necessities of life at some of the local mom-and-pop shops, but for anything more exotic than that, you'll need to go to Manta or the closer town of Portoviejo.

The Spirit of Christmas in Ecuador

The Spirit of Christmas in Ecuador

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January 2, 2014

It is Christmas morning, and my wife Cynthia and I are celebrating the joyous occasion with our daughter’s family in New Jersey. Tomorrow we fly to North Carolina to do it all over again in the home of our son. When we moved to Cuenca, Ecuador three and a half years ago we had no grandchildren. In the space of 19 short months we experienced our own private “baby boom” and today we have three (and counting?).

New Year’s Regrets Burn Away in Ecuador

New Year’s Regrets Burn Away in Ecuador

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January 2, 2014

My wife, Suzan, and I rarely know too far in advance where we’ll be for the holidays. We haven’t lived in the U.S. for a dozen years now, but around about September or October we start making the decisions about what to do for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year…whose family back in the States we’ll spend which holidays with…and which holidays, if any, we’ll spend by ourselves at home, wherever home happens to be at the time.

Why Ecuador Beats California

Why Ecuador Beats California

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December 6, 2013

Cut down coconut bunch with machete. Put one or two coconuts in the fridge to get cold. Cut a hole in the top of the coconut. Insert straw...This routine is part of my daily life on the north central coast of Ecuador. My husband Ron and I live in the small fishing village of El Matal near the town of Jama and drink fresh coconut water daily—from our very own coconut trees. El Matal happens to be the setting for the award-winning film Pescador by Sebastian Cordero, but to us it’s just home.