Mobile Kitchen: A Quirky Take on Catering in San Miguel de Allende

Mobile Kitchen: A Quirky Take on Catering in San Miguel de Allende

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February 1, 2014

Jennifer Posner fell in love with San Miguel de Allende during trips there as a young girl. In 2007, when it came time for her “to unplug from corporate America,” San Miguel was the first place she thought of. Now she makes her living there from a quirky, but successful, catering operation. She’s taken the American food truck concept from the streets to private catering gigs and just about anywhere there’s a gathering that needs to be fed.

$50,000 from May to December… And Never Set Foot in an Office

$50,000 from May to December… And Never Set Foot in an Office

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February 1, 2014

My husband, Kevin, and I both turned 30 this year, and while the rest of our cohort is punching a time clock and climbing up the bitter corporate ladder, we’re sipping sangria on the balcony of our seafront apartment on Spain’s Mediterranean coastline… savoring café con leche (Spanish coffee) as the sun rises…or celebrating with cava (sparkling wine) under the moon.

Turning a Profit on Nicaragua’s Caribbean Island Retreat

Turning a Profit on Nicaragua’s Caribbean Island Retreat

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December 1, 2013

The first time John Morgan set foot on Little Corn Island, he was under its spell. “The moment my feet sunk into the soft, coral sand where the captain beached the water taxi, I had an overwhelming feeling of being home.” “I had never traveled to Central or South America and had certainly never heard of these remote undeveloped Caribbean islands off the coast of Nicaragua.

Getting Started with a Micro-Business

Getting Started with a Micro-Business

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November 8, 2013

For every substantial, bricks-and mortar business set up by an expat overseas, there are hundreds of small enterprises that people operate from their own homes with very little investment. Within a year of starting their micro-enterprise overseas, Jim and Mariellen Wiemann are making a profit and supplementing their retirement income. “The business allows us to purchase the things we might otherwise not have. We are planning some vacations abroad, and the business will support those adventures,” says Jim.

Finding an Easier Rhythm of Life in Ecuador

Finding an Easier Rhythm of Life in Ecuador

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November 1, 2013

I had a cute house with a backyard, a great job, a wonderful marriage, and two beautiful little boys. I was living the American dream, but it didn’t feel like it. The long hours at work meant I didn’t have time to enjoy gardening in the backyard. Our sons Diego and Dante spent more time in daycare than with us. My husband and I were once so stressed that we both forgot our wedding anniversary.