The Top Three Expat Tax Breaks: Your Lucky Jackpot or Financial Pitfall?

The Top Three Expat Tax Breaks: Your Lucky Jackpot or Financial Pitfall?

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March 14, 2012

The top three tax benefits for Americans living and working abroad are uniquely intertwined, governed by limits, phase-outs, sliding scales, and filing requirements. In this session, Nick Hodges, CPA/PFS, MBA, CFP, will dig deep into the practical application of the top three U.S. expat tax benefits by presenting a sample case that illustrates the tax jackpots and identifies the financial pitfalls you need to know to enjoy your expat experience.

Offshore Trusts and Asset Protection Strategies for Canadians

Offshore Trusts and Asset Protection Strategies for Canadians

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March 14, 2012

There are many methods by which a Canadian resident can implement asset protection strategies, some of which are easy and inexpensive to achieve and some of which are complex and require careful planning. In order for an asset protection strategy to be effective, it is critical that it be implemented as soon as possible, as it would be very vulnerable to attack by creditors if it is implemented at a time when there is a known claim or potential claim against you.