Gun Laws in Three Expat Destinations

Gun Laws in Three Expat Destinations

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October 19, 2015

Whatever your personal opinion on gun ownership in the United States, there’s no denying that millions of U.S. residents feel a great fondness for their firearms. So it should come as no surprise that many aspiring expats want to bring their guns with them to their new home. While it’s possible in some places, be prepared for a lot more red tape and tighter controls than you typically face in the States. Bear in mind that gun laws are liable to change, so you need to do your due diligence if you plan to import or buy a gun overseas.

Latin American Havens With Great Retiree Benefits

Latin American Havens With Great Retiree Benefits

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October 19, 2015

For many people looking to retire overseas, selecting the right country from the many options available can seem daunting. Fortunately, some countries actively encourage expat retirees to relocate there. They offer excellent retirement benefits that can help you truly enjoy these destinations’ great value. To help narrow your choice, here are the three top countries for retirement benefits on the IL beat.

In Santa Fe, Panama, $1,500 a Month is “More Than Plenty”

In Santa Fe, Panama, $1,500 a Month is “More Than Plenty”

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October 19, 2015

From our porch we can see down to the river, where we have our own little private beach and swimming hole,” says Albuquerque native Bob Caragol of his and his wife Irma’s new home. “We just fell in love with the area. There’s no crime and no pollution, and my asthma symptoms improved immediately.” Their story is typical of expats living in the scenic mountain town of Santa Fe, located in Veraguas province in west-central Panama.

Your Choice of Nicaraguan Retreats from $1,200 a Month (Part One)

Your Choice of Nicaraguan Retreats from $1,200 a Month (Part One)

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October 19, 2015

"Where else could we find this life?” says expat Monica Sedgwick of the one she and her husband James have created in Nicaragua. “We’re living in paradise, paying $200 a month for a three-bedroom apartment with a super view of the bay.” And they’re not the only expats to have discovered the wonderfully affordable lifestyle this retirement haven has to offer.

Wellness Resort in Roatán Lead to a New Tropical Island Life

Wellness Resort in Roatán Lead to a New Tropical Island Life

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July 1, 2015

Every morning Barbara Wastart rises to another glorious tranquil day, surrounded by fruit trees, coconut palms, and exotic tropical birds. As she looks out from her hilltop home, she takes in the spectacular view of the turquoise Caribbean bay below. A fleet of kayaks, and a pontoon boat, are tied to her private dock. A quick paddle through the mangrove forest and she can tie up to a private buoy near the barrier reef, and snorkel in the crystal clear waters abundant with fish, rays, and coral.

Using Your Expat Know-How to Create a Business in Costa Rica

Using Your Expat Know-How to Create a Business in Costa Rica

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July 1, 2014

When a prospective expat is looking seriously at moving to a foreign country, a lot of research is done from home. But then comes the scouting trip to see the places they’ve read about. And many choose to hire professionals to guide them. And if you’re living in an up-and-coming area for expats—that doesn’t have such a service—you could be the one to provide the tour.

How One Online Business Moved Easily to Europe

How One Online Business Moved Easily to Europe

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July 1, 2014

These days, Shawn McCool and his wife Danielle couldn’t be happier. They live with their two children on a quiet street next to a park, in the exquisite university city of Utrecht in Holland. It’s a far cry from the life they left behind in Nashville, Tennessee. As a professional software engineer, Shawn can develop web applications from anywhere in the world.