How to Escape the U.S. Income Tax

How to Escape the U.S. Income Tax

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July 30, 2014

This strategy is not for everyone. It works best for people who are frustrated with the US government “interfering” with their lives and “sucking them dry” with taxes… Once you learn this proven strategy—that nearly 3,000 everyday Americans used last year—you’ll have the keys in your hand to do something most Americans never consider. This brand-new report shares the specific step-by-step details.

Three of the Best Places in the World to Retire

Three of the Best Places in the World to Retire

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June 27, 2014

If you’ve been considering a move to Panama, Belize, or Ecuador…full- or part-time…you owe it to yourself to learn as much as possible about these countries. There is nothing else like these country manuals out there. They’re not travel guides (although you'll find our insider recommendations for hotels, restaurants, and more). Instead, these are complete encyclopedias of everything you need to know about life in Panama, Belize, and Ecuador for the expat.

The Retirement Upgrade Strategy: How to “Multiply” Your Nest Egg Using a Simple Document You Probably already Have

The Retirement Upgrade Strategy: How to “Multiply” Your Nest Egg Using a Simple Document You Probably already Have

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June 26, 2014

In this special report, we’ll look at some of our favorite destinations around the world that we think offer the best value (without sacrificing any of the quality) for retirement living. You’ll see that it’s possible to live the good life in beautiful Belize…enchanting Ecuador…or charming Costa Rica for a lot less than you would back home.

Escape to Costa Rica – Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well and Enjoy the Good Life for Less 2014

Escape to Costa Rica – Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well and Enjoy the Good Life for Less 2014

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March 5, 2014

Costa Rica is not a “new” destination for International Living. Through the 1990s, the market boomed. Prices for beachfront property along the Pacific Coast increased 6-, 8-, 10-fold and more… But as property prices rose in Costa Rica, we (and our readers) began looking elsewhere. Today, when things are changing again, it makes sense for you to take a look at this darling of Central America. We have gathered together all the essential information you will need to give you a head start in enjoying the benefits of this beautiful and exciting country in Escape to Costa Rica - Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less.

Safe Haven Strategies to Reduce Your Taxes, Preserve Your Privacy, and Reclaim Your Freedom Overseas

Safe Haven Strategies to Reduce Your Taxes, Preserve Your Privacy, and Reclaim Your Freedom Overseas

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March 5, 2014

We’ve complied details about all those tax-reducing, privacy enhancing, life-improving secrets, techniques, and destinations in our new research reports. In the right places overseas, you can combine the benefits of good-value living in a beautiful destination you love with perks like lower taxes, fewer regulations, and greater freedom…

Escape to Belize: Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less

Escape to Belize: Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less

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February 17, 2014

It doesn’t take newcomers long to realize that Belize has a very unusual culture. It’s a land of Mayan temples, colonial mansions, jungle lodges, and seaside condos. Though the predominant language is English, your next-door neighbors might speak Spanish, Creole, French, German, or any of a dozen other languages. Belize is a country where you can dine out on Mexican food while Garifuna music plays in the background. Escape to Belize will take you step-by-step through this stable English-speaking, democracy and give you a head start in enjoying its benefits.

Free Bonus: Belize: Haven for Privacy and Profits

Free Bonus: Belize: Haven for Privacy and Profits

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February 17, 2014

This report alone can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the coming years. Global financial advisors believe the window of opportunity will soon close (for U.S. citizens, especially) to move financial assets into offshore vehicles. Now is the time to act... Our special report, Belize: Haven for Privacy and Profits, tells you how. (Yes, you'll not only get all the information you need to understand these issues, you'll also get our rolodex of expert contacts who can help you open bank accounts, create trusts, IBCs and more.)

Escape to Costa Rica – Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less

Escape to Costa Rica – Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less

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February 10, 2014

Costa Rica is not a “new” destination for International Living. Through the 1990s, the market boomed. Prices for beachfront property along the Pacific Coast increased 6-, 8-, 10-fold and more… But as property prices rose in Costa Rica, we (and our readers) began looking elsewhere. Today, when things are changing again, it makes sense for you to take a look at this darling of Central America. We have gathered together all the essential information you will need to give you a head start in enjoying the benefits of this beautiful and exciting country in Escape to Costa Rica - Everything You Need to Know to Retire Better, Invest Well, and Enjoy the Good Life for Less.