The Best Insurance in the World: Your New 2nd Passport

The Best Insurance in the World: Your New 2nd Passport

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March 23, 2012

This new report—yours with our compliments—shows you why millions of people were born with second passports that they just don’t know about. Plus you’ll discover how—if you qualify—you can travel, live, invest, work, and buy property anywhere in the world, thanks to your own 2nd passport. It’s important you prepare yourself now…

Next Stop Panama: How to Rescue Your Retirement in the “New Florida”

Next Stop Panama: How to Rescue Your Retirement in the “New Florida”

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November 30, 2011

This report will show you where in Panama you'll find the best values and how to access affordable healthcare and low-tax visas… point you to money-making opportunities we see on the ground… and give you the details for our key contacts, too, so you have the trusted resources you need to begin living better for less in Panama. Read on for more information.

Easy, Fun, Portable Ways to Get Paid Overseas

Easy, Fun, Portable Ways to Get Paid Overseas

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November 30, 2011

There are lots of ways to get paychecks abroad… so you can live anywhere or travel anytime. You don't need special qualifications. You don't ever have to punch a time clock. If you're looking for a portable income – whether to fund your life or just add "pocket money" to your retirement nest egg – this volume can show you the way. And it'll introduce you to all sorts of folks already doing it, in Panama and beyond. Read on for more.

The Back Door to Paradise Collection

The Back Door to Paradise Collection

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October 13, 2011

If you’ve ever dreamt of living overseas…of enjoying a better lifestyle… and of enjoying it all while spending less money than you do right now…then you owe it to yourself to take a look at this collection of secrets designed to hand you the good life overseas faster and cheaper than you ever dreamed possible. This way, you can start enjoying the same dream lifestyle so many other International Living readers already enjoy. Our team has picked up some valuable tips, tricks, and secrets that we have persuaded them to share in this collection of 10 reports, The Backdoor to Paradise Collection.

International Living’s Insider Guide to Traveling the World for Free

International Living’s Insider Guide to Traveling the World for Free

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September 14, 2011

Ever had the itch to travel but found that household bills meant you had to put your vacation plans on hold? It’s not always possible to pay for that well-deserved break up front and still cover the cost of mortgage payments or rent back home. If you’ve ever wanted to travel the world, but didn’t want to break the bank, this guide can turn your dreams into reality.

Live Well in Europe -Where to Find the Good Life for Less in France, Spain, and Italy

Live Well in Europe -Where to Find the Good Life for Less in France, Spain, and Italy

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September 14, 2011

Somewhere in Europe the ideal home is waiting for you. That might be a half-timbered cottage deep in the apple-blossom countryside of rural Normandy…an Andalucian village house in one of Spain’s traditional pueblos blancos…an apartment in elegant Paris or buzzy Barcelona…a bungalow in Cyprus or a House of Character in Malta. Find our more here....

The Easiest Places in the World to Retire

The Easiest Places in the World to Retire

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August 1, 2011

One of the most common questions we get from IL readers is: Where in the world is it easiest to retire or relocate? The answer? It depends on what’s most important to you. Whatever you dream of (and whatever you’re most worried about) you have some very attractive options. We’ve catalogued the best of them in this report—the places where you’ll fit in most quickly and comfortably.

Fund Your Life Overseas: How to Get Paid Anywhere Your Dream Takes You

Fund Your Life Overseas: How to Get Paid Anywhere Your Dream Takes You

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May 30, 2011

No matter how affordable the destinations we here at International Living talk about are, the simple fact is: You can’t live anywhere for free. But what if you had an income that went with you? An income that could give you the freedom you need to just pick up and go? In this report you'll gain advice, insights, suggestions, and details from people happily funding a good life overseas in countries like Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Belize, Colombia, Chile, and Australia.

Hidden Gems: Travel Like a Local to Inspire Your Inner Pathfinder

Hidden Gems: Travel Like a Local to Inspire Your Inner Pathfinder

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February 14, 2011

The thrill of travel isn’t hitting every spot in your guidebook. It’s discovering the “hidden gems” off the tourist trail that have never been documented. Here you’ll find some wonderful recommendations for places to eat…spots to visit…and ways to enjoy destinations all over the world. They’re all finds our writers have discovered on the ground. We share them with pleasure…from our insiders’ notebook to yours…

The No-Savings Retirement Plan

The No-Savings Retirement Plan

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January 19, 2011

An increasing number of Americans have found that they can once again enjoy the good life (both in retirement and in general)—and, in fact, they can actually live well—simply by opting into a unique retirement plan. Those who do, find that they can live in places where prices are what they were in the U.s. 20...30...or even 40 years ago. Plus the quality of life is even better. Experts are calling this the No-savings Retirement Plan. once you see what it is, it isn’t hard to see why they refer to it this way.