Swapping the Corporate Ladder for Laidback Living in Panama

Swapping the Corporate Ladder for Laidback Living in Panama

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October 23, 2015

From our new home town of Pedasi every beach seems to offer its own playground. From a launching point for Isla Iguana Wildlife Refuge, to waves fit for championship surfers and beginners alike. Located on the Azuero peninsula on Panama's Pacific coast, Pedasi is an ocean-lovers dream. Driving out of town towards the popular beach of Playa Venao offers picturesque views of rolling hills on one side and stunning Pacific views on the other.

City Living in Panama For $1,250 a Month

City Living in Panama For $1,250 a Month

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October 23, 2015

People used to ask me what I was going to do with myself all day when I didn’t have to work. Believe me, I haven’t had a problem finding things to do since moving from Florida to the city of David in Panama. I spend many hours biking around the city and exploring the surrounding countryside. I work on my blog, I have more time for my photography and I recently started painting classes.

Rent For $600 a Month on Panama’s Sunshine Coast

Rent For $600 a Month on Panama’s Sunshine Coast

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October 23, 2015

A million shades of green surround me as I drive. Above, the sky is a deep cornflower blue. I’m on the perfectly paved (and newly expanded) National Highway, driving down the Azuero Peninsula’s eastern coast. As is customary in this region of Panama, the sun is shining. A five-hour drive will get you from Panama’s sultry capital to Pedasí, a gem of a village. Banana trees, sugar cane, and countless varieties of palms line the flat horizon. There are no highrises here…towns in the greater Pedasí district are tiny.

Rent for $500 a Month by the Beach in Pedasí, Panama

Rent for $500 a Month by the Beach in Pedasí, Panama

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October 23, 2015

“In Pedasi, Panama, we live a life we couldn’t have had back home,” say Connie and Mikkel Moller. “If we were in the U.S., we’d both be working, at least part-time, and constantly worrying. After visiting for a few days in 2012, the Mollers fell in love with Pedasi. “We loved it. We fell for Pedasi. The people, the ambience…everything about it.” Located five hours by car from Panama City (you can also fly; it’s just under an hour from Panama City in a tiny commercial plane), most days of the year are sunny. Average daytime temperatures are around 88 F, but evenings and mornings can be 10 to 15 degrees cooler, thanks to the ocean breezes.

Rent of $480 a Month in This Easy and Safe Tropical City

Rent of $480 a Month in This Easy and Safe Tropical City

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October 23, 2015

"I have always wanted to live abroad. In my family of four I'm the most adventurous one, yet I was the only one who had not made an international move," Karen Walter says. "David in Panama's Chiriqui Province is exactly what I was looking for." "After 10 years I had grown tired of Arizona, and the time was right to end my career in social work and fostering challenged children," she says. "I was fed up with the bureaucracy of the child welfare system, and I didn't expect that to improve.

Every Day is a Vacation on This Affordable Caribbean Island

Every Day is a Vacation on This Affordable Caribbean Island

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August 26, 2015

Lorelei Kusin lives on an island in Panama’s Bocas del Toro province, and in this part of the Caribbean, time seems to stand still. “Our small house is situated on a bay facing the ocean,” she says. After waking to the sound of chattering birds, Lorelei and her husband James enjoy a cup of freshly ground Panamanian coffee, followed by a smoothie using local fresh produce such as fresh coconut water, mango, pineapple, guanabana, and bananas. “Then I often swim or paddleboard before we head to town in our 22-foot boat.”

Perfect Weather and Healthy Living on One Social Security Check

Perfect Weather and Healthy Living on One Social Security Check

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August 26, 2015

The road leading to the town of Santa Fe de Veraguas climbs gently and steadily up the slopes of the Continental Divide, winding past cattle ranches, jungled hillsides and gurgling rivers. The bright blue roof of the Catholic church in the middle of town is one of the first sights you see. This church marks the center of town. Around it you'll find a soccer pitch, a shaded plaza with benches and a gazebo, and small stores and businesses along the main street.

Rent in Panama’s Highlands From $500 a Month

Rent in Panama’s Highlands From $500 a Month

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July 27, 2015

The drive from my hometown of David west to the town of Volcan in Chiriquí Province is one of my favorite scenic routes in all of Panama. I pass cattle pastures, dairy farms, horse stables, and chicken farms framed by rolling green hills. At certain vantage points I look out over the landscape and can see all the way to the Pacific coast. Colorful flowers and a surprising variety of trees and foliage decorate the roadway as I wind my way up the slope of the mountain.