Panama’s Canal Expansion and its Effects on the Nation

Panama’s Canal Expansion and its Effects on the Nation

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November 22, 2013

Panama’s culture has been molded in great part by the Panama Canal. Attempts to build the waterway brought French and American citizens here. The country, once a forgotten province of Gran Colombia, began to grow into an international hub. As ships from all over the world began to utilize the canal, foreign nationals began learning about and heading to Panama. Today, this tiny country is a true melting pot and has been dubbed the logistics Hub of the Americas.

Starting Over in a Panamanian Paradise

Starting Over in a Panamanian Paradise

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June 13, 2013

"My typical day starts with a steaming cup of excellent Panamanian coffee," says Jade Wills. "I settle down at my desk and work for a few hours then I take a smoothie break using fresh papayas from our yard. "Later, I’ll ride my bike to the vegetable truck or maybe spend some time gardening. I’ve plenty of time for things like yoga and pilates, and some days I’ll pack up my laptop and work from right on the beach. Life is good."

Why You’ll Never Leave Boquete, Panama

Why You’ll Never Leave Boquete, Panama

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April 17, 2013

In the Highlands of Panama, near the border of Costa Rica, there are mountains and valleys velveted in deepest green. Bougainvillea scampers up the hillsides, most often in shocking, bright contrasts of magenta and coral. The place just feels good for you. People comment on it all the time, particularly the expats, many of whom will tell you their health improved after moving here.