Blueprint for a New Life in Belize

Blueprint for a New Life in Belize

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April 4, 2012

If you’ve always imagined yourself in the Caribbean… if that’s the escape you conjure up when somebody says, “dream retirement,” then you need to have Belize on your radar screen. In tropical, English-speaking Belize, “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem” is the perfect tag line. And in the Blueprint for a New Life in Belize, we show you how you can settle in to a better, more affordable life in the Caribbean and do it seamlessly, enjoyably, confidently…

Where to Retire on the Cheap: 5 Great Value Towns Where You Can Live Like a Diplomat

Where to Retire on the Cheap: 5 Great Value Towns Where You Can Live Like a Diplomat

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March 30, 2012

Where is the cheapest place to retire? We hear that question over and over…and it’s the question we are going to answer in this special report. If you’re looking overseas for a low-cost alternative to an uncertain retirement at home, you can find it here. In any of these places, you can live like a diplomat on a Social Security income.

The Best Insurance in the World: Your New 2nd Passport

The Best Insurance in the World: Your New 2nd Passport

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March 23, 2012

This new report—yours with our compliments—shows you why millions of people were born with second passports that they just don’t know about. Plus you’ll discover how—if you qualify—you can travel, live, invest, work, and buy property anywhere in the world, thanks to your own 2nd passport. It’s important you prepare yourself now…

Six Easy Ways to Turn What You Already Know into an Income Overseas 2012

Six Easy Ways to Turn What You Already Know into an Income Overseas 2012

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March 8, 2012

Wouldn’t it be nice to get paid…but instead of being lashed to a cubicle and being answerable to a boss, you keep control of your income and your schedule? One easy solution is to earn an income from back home while you go live someplace where the cost of living is much more affordable. That way you put dollars in your pocket, but you spend in a place where those dollars really stretch.

Buy Land – Two Great Profit-Making Opportunities

Buy Land – Two Great Profit-Making Opportunities

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December 16, 2011

Every so often we run into amazing opportunities…specific ways to make smarter investments... slash your taxes...and keep your financial affairs private. IL Real Estate Expert, Ronan McMahon, has just submitted a special report revealing one of the safest ways to grow or preserve your nest egg. In this Quarterly Wealth Advisory Ronan reveals details of two special opportunities to make money from land. We hope it helps you preserve and grow your wealth.

Mexico – Six Most Liveable Cities 2011

Mexico – Six Most Liveable Cities 2011

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December 11, 2011

Mexico is full of very livable cities. Over the years, we at International Living have visited—and rated—scores of cities across the length and breadth of Mexico…and we’re working on visiting the rest. Out of them all, International Living has selected six that we think stand out as the most livable cities in the country. Some of the six have large, well-established expat communities, and this is usually part of their appeal. Others have hardly any expats at all, but are rated highly by Mexicans themselves for their high quality of life—and that’s part of their appeal.

Next Stop Panama: How to Rescue Your Retirement in the “New Florida”

Next Stop Panama: How to Rescue Your Retirement in the “New Florida”

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November 30, 2011

This report will show you where in Panama you'll find the best values and how to access affordable healthcare and low-tax visas… point you to money-making opportunities we see on the ground… and give you the details for our key contacts, too, so you have the trusted resources you need to begin living better for less in Panama. Read on for more information.

Easy, Fun, Portable Ways to Get Paid Overseas

Easy, Fun, Portable Ways to Get Paid Overseas

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November 30, 2011

There are lots of ways to get paychecks abroad… so you can live anywhere or travel anytime. You don't need special qualifications. You don't ever have to punch a time clock. If you're looking for a portable income – whether to fund your life or just add "pocket money" to your retirement nest egg – this volume can show you the way. And it'll introduce you to all sorts of folks already doing it, in Panama and beyond. Read on for more.