How to Live a Richer, More Rewarding Life The Savvy Retiree’s Guide to Creating Your Dream Retirement

How to Live a Richer, More Rewarding Life The Savvy Retiree’s Guide to Creating Your Dream Retirement

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August 28, 2018

The common narrative today is that very few people have saved enough money to retire comfortably. People are expected to tighten their belts and live frugally or keep working into their 70s...or even 80s. But there is another option...and it doesn't involve sacrificing the good things in life—or working yourself to death. The truth...

Earn Anywhere: How to Jumpstart Your Entrepreneurial Spirit…

Earn Anywhere: How to Jumpstart Your Entrepreneurial Spirit…

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August 27, 2018

Whether you like the idea of a bricks-and-mortar business...or you'd prefer an income you earn from home: You could fund your life abroad doing something you enjoy...and get paid to live anywhere your heart desires... Or if you crave the flexibility and control that a portable income can deliver with an income that travels...

Your Perfect Overseas Income Solution: The 8 Top Countries for Earning Overseas…and How to Profit in Each

Your Perfect Overseas Income Solution: The 8 Top Countries for Earning Overseas…and How to Profit in Each

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August 27, 2018

There's no question: In some destinations the opportunities are greater, it's easier to gain residence, it's simpler to start and run a business, the laws work to an entrepreneur's advantage, the taxes favor folks creating jobs for locals, and so on. There are eight countries in particular that fit these criteria, each with their own particular opportunities. Read this report to find out which one could be your perfect income solution.

The Ultimate Overseas Shortcut

The Ultimate Overseas Shortcut

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August 16, 2018

In this special report, we look at some of the best retirement havens around the world. Places where you can live a rich man's retirement on a regular-joe budget. You'll learn about specific locations within these countries were real estate is is a fraction of the cost of what you’ll pay at home...the weather is great...and the lifestyle is the perfect combination of exciting and laidback. This is your shortcut to living a better life overseas.

The World’s Best-Value Beach Town Escapes

The World’s Best-Value Beach Town Escapes

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August 16, 2018

Who hasn't dreamed about spending more time at the beach in retirement. Curling your toes in the sand…the sound of waves lightly crashing... Looking out at that glorious horizon... Spend part of your year in one of the destinations in this report...or maybe even longer than that…and you will soon see the savings add up, and your stress levels go down. These are destinations that are both unbelievably inexpensive and incredibly beautiful—in locales that will knock your socks off.

7 Surprising New Easy Ways to Fund Your Life Overseas

7 Surprising New Easy Ways to Fund Your Life Overseas

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October 9, 2017

How great would it be if you could earn an extra $500, $1,000, or even $3,000 working a few hours a week from villa in the South of France or from the overseas paradise of your choosing? Maybe you want to work in the mornings and take the rest of the day off… Or maybe you just want to work whenever you need a little extra cash for life’s little extras. This doesn’t have to be a day dream. Thanks to new technologies, now there are a variety of ways you can have an income that travels, doing what you love and enjoy. It’s all covered in a one-of-a-kind report we’ve created.

Secrets of the South of France: The Most Affordable Regions, Towns and Villages

Secrets of the South of France: The Most Affordable Regions, Towns and Villages

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October 8, 2017

In Secrets of the South of France we shine a light on many wonderful regions, towns and villages where you can live extraordinarily well. Life here can be quite affordable…when you know where to go. And we do know where.  We’ve talked to expats in the region...studied the cost of living...analyzed weather reports...and scrutinized the entire area to come up with the most gorgeous, fascinating, convenient, and reasonably-priced areas for you.  Secrets of the South of France has something for everyone.

The Top Italian Retirement Havens

The Top Italian Retirement Havens

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October 7, 2017

Italy is undeniably romantic. From the days of the Grand Tour when the first tourists stood in the shadow of the Coliseum, Italy has attracted expats. As many of them have found out it’s not all about the big draws like Venice, Rome, and Florence. The Italian Lake district is admittedly well-trodden, but what do you know about the islands of Sardinia and Sicily? Or of Abruzzo, a hilly region on the eastern coast that shares the same attractive sandy beaches as Le Marche, but where properties are sensibly priced? Or of Apulia in the Deep South: a languid land of olive trees fringed by the Adriatic Sea? Although Italy is not generally perceived as being a bargain location for property buyers, there truly is something for everybody.