Profits in Paradise—Panama: The Hub of the Americas

Profits in Paradise—Panama: The Hub of the Americas

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August 29, 2016

In Panama, there are so many opportunities to set up new business ventures. We know of many creative and talented expats who are making a go of it with their own businesses…a couple from Minneapolis who built a B&B…an attorney from L.A. who now sells organic chocolates…there is plenty of opportunity for entrepreneurs to find and fill a niche with a business in Panama.

8 Countries Where You Can Live Like a King on Your Social Security Income

8 Countries Where You Can Live Like a King on Your Social Security Income

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August 17, 2016

Maximizing your Social Security benefits… that's just one piece of it. You can maximize your lifestyle too. In some places, you really can enjoy a Rolls Royce quality of life on a run-down Chevy budget. The kind of high-end living that might set you back $10,000 or $15,000 a month in a big city at home could be one-tenth that in the right places overseas.

Insider’s Guide: Travel the World For Less Than It Costs to Stay Home

Insider’s Guide: Travel the World For Less Than It Costs to Stay Home

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July 21, 2016

There are secrets to traveling well. Inside angles that experienced travelers have spent their lifetimes figuring out. These are the secrets of the savvy travelers…people who never stay in the usual tourist hotels or resorts. Never shop where typical tourists get taken. Never eat run-of-the-mill, over-priced food where tourists eat. This exclusive report will show you how to be a savvy traveler. We’ll share some insider tips to help you avoid the typical tourist blunders and help you save money so you can travel for less than it costs to stay home.

The 3 Best “Start-From-Home” Portable Income Opportunities

The 3 Best “Start-From-Home” Portable Income Opportunities

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July 4, 2016

Have you ever dreamed of making money from your favorite overseas destinations? Well there are lots of ways to get paychecks abroad…so you can live anywhere or travel anytime. This report gives you the nitty-gritty on three of our favorite "make money anywhere" opportunities. And if you have a computer, a camera, and an internet connection, you’ve already got everything you need to get started mastering these three income streams today.

Your Own Home in Panama—Everything You Need to Buy a Great-Value Property in a Top Retirement Haven

Your Own Home in Panama—Everything You Need to Buy a Great-Value Property in a Top Retirement Haven

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May 19, 2016

If you like the idea of finding your own home in Panama City’s best neighbourhood ...or near an expanse of Pacific beach with ocean views…or in a cool mountain hideaway that’s home to award-winning coffee plantations…this report shows you where to buy for less than $150,000 (even in trendy Panama City). And if you’d like to rent while you look for that dream property, you’ll discover the areas with the best rental values. With this report in hand you can hit the ground running when you get to Panama. You’ll know exactly where to go and what to look for...and you’ll have a good idea of how much to pay.

The Secret to a Happier, Healthier, More Affordable Lifestyle

The Secret to a Happier, Healthier, More Affordable Lifestyle

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April 13, 2016

This comprehensive how to" booklet that shows you how you can live better than you ever thought possible and yet spend far less than you are now.  It will answer where, how and why should you look beyond your backyard and consider the world of opportunities out there and how much will it cost. You'll have a blueprint to follow to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.