3-Day Spanish courses

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    Well, here’s another interesting one, Edd, or Suzan! I see on the internet an “Ecuador Expert” (USED to be affiliated with IL) is always offering 3-day Spanish courses….some kind of “total immersion” combined with baroque music, of all things. I know, I know…it sounds, well, kind of “out there”, for lack of a better term. Can there possibly be any validity to this? Is there any general consensus on the “best” way to learn, or is that a personal choice? Did either of you take professional lessons, or just learn by living there awhile?

    We are heeding your wise advice to not let lack of Spanish stop us from relocating to Ecuador, but OTOH, feel it might be helpful to get started…I want to be able to speak to my local massage therapist! (can’t spell masseuse!)


    Oh, my goodness. I didn’t know what you were talking about and had to look it up. Now that I know—no comment.

    The “best” methodology of learning a foreign language really does boil down to the individual. A lot of folks like Rosetta Stone, for instance, but I didn’t care for it. And I have friends who religiously go to private lessons and still can’t speak Spanish worth a ____. Many people have had success with the Warren Hardy course promoted by IL. In the end the best choice is whatever you can stick with that produces results. And it may take a few false starts to figure that out.

    You may have seen the piece I wrote recently about this very subject:


    H-m-m-m—the link didn’t seem to work. A testament to my technological prowess. Well, check out the FB IL Ecuador page.


    We’ve taken various classes over the years and I think that working at it in some kind of formal capacity (whether a program like Rosetta Stone or classes with Warren Hardy or a private teacher) is really the only way to make progress. It has to be a commitment on your part. Warren’s program is the one that really clicked for me.


    My wife, Marcia and I have recently discovered DuoLingo. We both love it. I agree with Edd, Rosetta Stone didn’t do anything for me.

    DuoLingo is fun to use and because of that quality, like Susan said, it helps you to stick with it. I am currently on a 45 day streak.

    Here is the link: http://www.duolingo.com/ and it’s free!


    Great, thanks for sharing!


    I am now on my 3rd day/lesson with Duolingo, John. You are right…they make it fun so you stick with it. And the price is certainly right! I wonder how they make their money….? I will have to start listening to my many Hispanic co-workers more closely. Here’s today’s lesson: “Usted es un hombre”….LOL.

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