Are personal firearms allowed in CR for residents?

Homepage Forums Costa Rica Insider Forum Are personal firearms allowed in CR for residents?

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    Hi everyone!  New to this site and am just beginning research on the pro’s and con’s of maybe one day moving to CR after retirement in about 7 years. 

    Are personal weapons allowed if you live in CR as an ex-pat?  I have not heard if guns (pistols) are allowed or not…




    Hi Steve,

    Only citizens and permanent residents can have firearms.

    If you plan to retire in Costa Rica, you’ll most likely get the retiree, or pensionado, form of residency, which is considered a temporary residency because you have to renew it regularly. But after three years as a temporary resident you can apply for permanent residency.

    There are restrictions on firearms in CR, including background checks and firearms knowledge and psychological testing.

    Once you’re eligible you can bring firearms from the U.S., if they meet local laws, or buy them in CR.

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