Are taxis safe in Quito and elsewhere?

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    Please note that I recenty read a blurb on the Internet regarding taxis being very unsafe in Quito (ie. many robberies and muggings or worse etc., and the police don’t care). Having taken about 10 taxi rides in Quito on my 2 visits in 2011 and 2012 plus many other taxi rides in Cuenca and Salinas without incident, I find this comment to be highly exaggerated nonsense. Does anybody have any negative experiences re: taxi rides in Quito (or elsewhere) they’d like to share (other than being occasionally overcharged 50 cents or a dollar) ? 



    Donald, I agree that this is exaggerated nonsense — I’ve been taking taxis in Quito for 12 years now and never had an incidence. I’m not saying it couldn’t happen, but if you use common sense you should be perfectly safe. Look for official yellow taxis with licenses or executive (unmarked) taxis with licenses. Taxis in Quito are transitioning to all having meters, so that will stop the overcharging. If they don’t have a meter, negotiate the fare before you get in. If it seems too high, just say no… or offer what you think is fair and go from there. Restaurants will always call taxis for you late at night. If it is in the wee hours of the morning and you are drunk, alone, in a shady part of town…. then I might worry. But otherwise, I’ve had great and helpful service from most taxi drivers in Ecuador.


    I couldn’t agree more. Beyond exaggeration, I’d call this total fabrication. In Cuenca I’ve never personally experienced, or even heard of such a thing. Hogwash!


    The only negative I heard recently was a presidential candidate getting pepper sprayed and robbed.

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