Cuenca Accomodation suggestion for October?

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    Hi everyone

    Finally I am coming to Ecuador and more specifically Cuenca … its a kind of recon mission as I have been considering relocation there for the past 2 years.

    I will be in need of some kind of reasonable accommodation from Oct 3rd through to October 20th and wonder if there are any suggestions.

    I don’t have a large budget but I’m a middle aged woman so roughing it on a floor is not for me these days I’m sorry to say.

    If anyone knows of any reasonable and clean hotels, or other types of accommodations available at this time, I would be very grateful.

    Many thanks
    Sharon – from the UK


    Here are some suggestions I’ve seen others make (I’ve not stayed at any of these personally):

    EXCELLENT accommodation with Cameron Kayce…e-mail…she’s a friendly, welcoming American with a beautiful Ecuadorian B & B home and a TON of local information and suggestions to make your stay memorable, about 15 mts walk from El Centro, quiet neighbourhood, excellent prices.

    Sorry, don’t have websites for these — try Google:

    La Cigale – $17. I understand can be noisy until midnight on weekends, though. It’s sadi to be comfy and clean with good internet, good location, and a pretty good restaurant downstairs.

    Hostal Hogar Cuencana on Hermano Miguel at Calle Larga…clean, basic room with shared bath…$12…

    Casa Barranco @ $34. Much better WiFi than Cigale. Ask for room in back with balcony. Nice view of nuevo ciudad.

    $18 La Orquidea on Borreo between Gran Colombia and Bolivar.

    $12 Hostel Santa Fe on Borreo between Juan Jaramillo and Honorato Vasquez

    $57: Hotel Inca Real on General Torres between Bolivar and Sucre. I Have stayed here, very nice.)


    Hi Susan

    Thank you so much for this information ….. really appreciate it and will start looking now as I leave in a few days, stopping off by the Galapagos en route to Cuenca !!!

    Thanks again



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