Cuenca Area Real Estate Agents that provide Transportation/Info

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  • #628557
    Elisabeth Moss

    Hello Everyone!
    My fiancee and I are coming to Ecuador in the month of December, and would like to see properties for sale in the Cuenca, Loja, and Vilcabamba area while there. Our plan is to move there next summer. We will definitely be in Cuenca on the nights of December 23rd, 24th and 25th (we have a hotel booked). We can come to Cuenca up to one week before these dates, and stay up to 3 days after these dates in order to get a real feel for the market. Is there a real estate agent and/or company that can assist us with transportation and a real estate tour? How long would you suggest we stay in the area to adequately gain knowledge of the real estate market between Cuenca, Yungilla, Vilcabamba and Loja? If you know of anyone who can provide this service, can you please send me their email/phone information? I am trying to book hotels now, so your help is GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thank You, Elisabeth Moss

    P.S. Hotel recommendations for Cuenca & Loja are always welcome!


    Hi, Elisabeth. I’m not sure if you are aware that Loja is about a 3 1/2 hour drive from Cuenca & Vilcabamba another hour or so down the road. So you’re not going to find one real estate agent to show you all these places. In Cuenca contact Maribel Crespo (maribelcrespo@ecuadorablehomes), but be aware that during the Christmas holidays here business pretty much grinds to a halt. Maribel can share her schedule with you and hopefully arrange something. In Loja I think you’re pretty much on your own–there aren’t any full blown agencies that I’m aware of and you can count on little English being spoken. For Vilcabamba contact Nick Vasey of Vilcabamba Real Estate Company ( Maybe he can also recommend someone in Loja. When I was in Loja the Grand Victoria Hotel ( looked really nice. For Vilcabamba I recommend Hosteria Izhcayluma ( I’ve stayed there several times and it’s a terrific value. Good luck!!


    Hey, I just saw an ad for real estate and relocation in Loja that I want to pass on. I know nothing about the company, Abundant Living Ecuador, but wanted to share the info. Their website is

    Elisabeth Moss

    Hello Edd!
    I was HOPING to hear from you. I know you are in Cuenca, and wanted to get your email address. We are now planning to be there from Dec. 20th, departing the 26th.
    We would love to catch you for drinks, if possible, at the place of your choosing. My fiancee is more sceptical than I am regarding a move to Ecuador, and I think it would be good for him to speak with an expat. I know you’ve mentioned great hang-outs in Cuenca for Expats, but don’t have the info on hand. Could you please email me at when you get this message?
    I am in the process of making transportation arrangements from Cuenca to Baños. Do you know how long the bus takes? Do you know if we could fly to Ambato, and then take a bus? Or, would we have to fly to Quito and then bus it back south to Baños? I have gotten quite a lot of different info, and I’m sure I could trust your opinions.
    I hope to hear from you very soon!
    Thank you,
    Elisabeth Moss


    Hey Elisabeth, you can reach Edd at I think he is off on a romantic anniversary trip with his wife right now, but I am sure he’ll get back to you soon.:)

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