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    Hi Jon, Suzan and Dan

    I joined on March 1st and stayed up until 3-4a.m. for several nights as well…couldn’t get enough. It’s great to finally be retired. 🙂 I’m making my 3rd trip to Cuenca for two months duration (June/July) to hopefully find a place to live. My hubby John, (a teacher) will be down for 1-1/2 months once he gets out of school in June (retires). It would be terrific if you could send me your notes. My email is Right now we are in the process of doing what we can…copies of everything, etc., and will be making a trip to the Ecuadorian Embassy in D.C. in April or May. Your notes will be terrific so we really appreciate it.

    Dan and Suzan, John doesn’t realize it, but he’ll be getting your new book in the mail tomorrow per Amazon’s message to me yesterday. 🙂 We can’t wait to call Cuenca our home. Thanks to you all! We are so excited.


    Welcome to the party, Suzie!


    Hi Jon,
    My wife and I are also seriously considering Cuenca and the south and central beach areas. If your fingers are not worn out from sending all of your notes, we would also appreciate a copy.
    Thanks in advance.
    Mike Biery


    Thanks for this.
    Richard Macatee


    Please send notes:


    Thanks for the offer, Jon. I would also like your 20 pages of notes. My wife & I are planning our first trip to Ecuador. Among our questions: “How safe is it in Ecuador for Americans?” “How are Americans treated by the Police, legal system etc?” I’m sure your notes cover these and many more topics.


    Hi Kenneth, I’ve lived in Ecuador off and on for many years and have never been the victim of any kind of crime. (My husband was once pickpocketed on a crowded trolley in Quito — that’s the extent of his brush with crime.)

    That said, this is a land where most people have very little, so you have to exercise a bit more caution than you may be used to at home. We never wear flashy jewelry, for instance, or pull out wads of bills from our pockets. We don’t carry smart phones. Not to say you can’t, but we’ve no need for them here.

    Some places are safer than others, just like at home. Small towns are safer than big cities. If you’re walking at night in a city, you should be aware of your surroundings and/or take a taxi. (They’re cheap so why not?)

    As for police, I think we have only been stopped once while driving, when we made an illegal turn. They were polite and we were soon on our way. That was 13 years ago — these days we rarely drive (just don’t want the expense or commitment of a car) so we’re never stopped. There can be the occasional police checkpoint (we’ve experienced that once in all these years) and we were treated very politely.

    In truth and for the most part, Ecuadorians like and respect everyone, including Americans. I can’t recall a time where I’ve ever been treated hostilely or felt threatened.

    I will say that I do know some expats who have had cameras snatched or had their homes broken into. On very rare occasion there have been home invasion robberies. (The same happens everywhere in the U.S.) I caution anyone looking to live here to take a look at how the Ecuadorians live. They have bars on doors and windows and security systems, maybe a dog or two. My apartment building is very secure and we have personally never had an issue.


    Thank You Suzan. I experienced the “Bars on windows & doors” in Panama along with the dogs kept for security reasons especially in Boquete Panama. Dogs were everywhere. I like dogs just don’t like them barking when I am sleeping @ night.

    LAURA W.

    Hi Jon,

    I am planning my first exploratory visit to Ecuador in August and would love to receive your notes if your offer still stands. I have so many questions and thoughts, being solo in life though unafraid !
    Thank you for your kindness. Laura

    LAURA W.

    Hi Suzann,

    You make a good point about safety, no matter where we find ourselves. Logic and common sense go a long way. Regarding my first trip to Ecuador to explore the possibilities of relocation, I had thought I’d rent a car and drive around a bit. That being said, after reading about others’ experiences, perhaps driving solo would not be advisable. What do you think? Thanks, Laura


    Hi Jon my wife and I are also interested in moving to Equador .can you please send me your findings.

    LAURA W.

    I, too,would love to receive a copy of your notes. Thank you in advance. Laura


    My boyfriend and I are visiting Ecuador starting May 18 for 3 weeks. We’re checking out Salinas, Manta, Cuenca and Quito. Our plan is also to move to Ecuador if we feel comfortable there. Can you send me your notes. I’ve been studying all the information from the forum and from the conference in Vegas last Sept…but haven’t been taking notes like you have.
    Melanie Clark


    Hi Jon – I would also like a copy of your notes, if it’s not too much trouble. My email address is .
    Thanks, Mark.


    Jon, my wife & I are coming in July. Plz email a copy of your notes. Thanks!! Daniel Godwin

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