Emergency Services

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    What kind of emergency services are available in Panama if you lived there? What if you had a house fire or a heart attack, what would you call? Is there a 911 emergency number there too?


    Hi Linda- yes, Panama has emergency services, including fire and police stations and ambulances. We also have a 911 Emergency System, but it’s not quite the same as elsewhere.

    911 is only for Medical Emergencies if you need an ambulance, and it mostly serves Panama City and surroundings.
    If you need the police or fire dept. you need to dial them instead.

    It is important to know and note the emergency numbers where you live and even save them in your cell phone.
    Here in David, where I live, there are different numbers for the various emergency services, and I have them saved.

    Also, responders to these phone numbers may speak to you in Spanish, so you need to be able to communicate with them in Spanish.

    In Boquete, which is a very popular expat community, a group of volunteers have established an emergency response system that is available 24/7, for any emergency, and manned by bilingual operators. This is a great service to the residents of Chiriquí Province.
    There is a similar, informal system in Bocas del Toro that operates via VHF radio.

    I hope this answers your questions.
    Regards, Linda


    Hi Linda,

    I’ll just add to my colleague’s response that, when in doubt, people here dial 311, that’s an information/feedback line and the operators can patch you through to police or give you the number to dial any government service you need.

    Panama newspaper La Prensa publishes helpful/important numbers at this link: http://www.prensa.com/datos-importantes. I have it bookmarked in my phone and my computer and when I need a number (for ambulance, etc) I simply access the link or dial 311.

    If you become a resident here and have an insurance policy with ambulance service included, you will be given a direct number to dial your ambulance service.




    Thanks so much for the info.
    If we move down there, it would probably be outside of Panama City. We take 911 for granted in the states.
    Thanks, Linda


    Our pleasure, thanks Linda!

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