EMoss Itinerary; Looking for Mirabel Crespo or Other Real Estate Agent in Cuenca

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  • #632063
    Elisabeth Moss

    Hi fellow Expats,
    I hope to be one soon! I’m just a tourist now though. Our trip (4 years in the making) is finally coming to fruition! We leave Seattle DECEMBER 3rd on American Airlines at 11:15 at night, arriving Miami and then Quito at 2PM. We have found a taxi driver who speaks English named Pablo Mena, who was recommended to me by another woman on the Expat Blog. I will write to you all of my opinion, but his prices seem to be mostly inline with other private car drivers.
    Our trip begins in Quito for 4 days….we hope to acclimate during that time, and get a good look around the city. Then it’s off to Otavalo, Cotacachi and Iburra, where we will meet up with Yolanda Santana from Remax Real Estate. She seems to be a perfectly lovely and friendly woman, who has gone out of her way to help us with reservations, etc.
    Then we return to Quito for one night (Dec. 12), before we’re off to Mindo to the El Monte Lodge for 3 days. Back to the Quito Airport Suites for Dec. 15, and flying out to Cuenca. I found out the bus ride is something like a total of 10 hours or so, and my back can’t take that. Plus, I would rather spend my time lounging and looking at real estate than riding on a crowded bus!
    Once at the Cuenca airport, we have to make our way to town to pick up transportation to Vilcabamba. I’m guessing it won’t be that hard to get a ride. Anyone know how long it takes to get to downtown Cuenca from the airport? We are probably going to take the transportation offered via the Hosteria Izhacayluma, as next we go to Vilcabamba…staying at Dec. 16 through the 18th. I have written to Nick at info@vrec.org, who is a real estate agent there. So far, no response from him. Anyone know another real estate agent in Vilcabamba? After looking at real estate for a day or so, we hope to go horseback riding through Podacarpus Park…I’ve been told a full day ride is $40.00 per person. Curiously, I saw a website that said Podacarpus Park was PERMANENTLY closed! I hope not!
    After leaving Vilcabamba, we will spend just one day and night in Loja. We are to meet up with Abundant Living Ecuador
    ( [593 7] 2588100 and 1-888-999-0948 http://www.abecuador.com 24 de Mayo y Mercadillo esquina Loja). This is not only a real estate office, but offers relocation services and seem especially helpful. Thanks EDD for the suggestion!
    Then we’re going on to Cuenca for December 20-25th. I seem to remember that Christmas celebrations are especially lovely in Cuenca….something like candlelight strolls to the cathedral? I guess I’ll find out! I had heard of a real estate agent named Maribel Crespo at Ecuador Homes real estate. However, I have written to her at maribel@ecuadorhomes.com and gotten no word back, and when I went to the Ecuador Homes real estate website for Cuenca, she is not listed as an agent. Does anyone know how she can be reached by phone, or is there another agent anyone can suggest to show us the real estate ropes around Cuenca?
    After Cuenca, we fly back to Quito, and then our drive has said he will drive us to Baños for only $25.00. Not bad for a 3 1/2 hour drive! Three days in Baños, and then it’s back to the Quito Airport Suites for the afternoon to early evening. You can rent rooms out for partial days=partial price there, but you have to be out by 9PM. Our flight leave UIO (American Airlines again) at 1:44 AM! Ouch!
    We fly back through Dallas Ft. Worth, 2 hour layover, and arrive home on New Years Eve day. Just in time for some bubbly!
    If any of you have any suggestions for me, please write soon, and Feliz Navidad!


    Wow, that sounds like a busy yet very productive trip you have planned! I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts on the places you visit once you return home.

    I’m glad you’ll be meeting with Yolanda here in Cotacachi. She is a good person to know and she is a “perfectly lovely and friendly woman.” I’m sure she’ll be a great asset to you in this area.

    I’m surprised that Nick Vasey in Vilcabamba hasn’t replied, but perhaps he’s out of town. You could also try Bernie from Huilco Real Estate. His e-mail address is bernie@huilcorealestate.com. I’ve not heard anything about Podocarpus being closed, but you could ask Nick or Bernie about that and see if they have any current info.

    I met Darnell from Abundant Living in Loja about a year ago, just as he was getting set to open the business. My take is that he is smart, motivated, and knowledgable, so I think he’ll do a good job for you as well.

    Hopefully Edd can help you get in touch with Maribel as she is one of his Cuenca contacts.

    Good luck and enjoy your vacation!


    Hey, Elisabeth. The trip from Cuenca’s airport to the city takes no more than 15 minutes. Maribel’s email is maribel@ecuadorablehomes.com. Have fun on your trip!

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