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    Harry White

    Good morning, my name is Harry, I would like to visit Ambergris Caye this June in hopes od moving there in the very near future, If there is someone who would be interested in showing me around at their convenience,it would be much appreciated, my e-mail contact is,, thanking you in advance. I would be interested in rental residence when I relocate.



    If you review the content on the Belize Insider website you will find a lot of helpful info, including detailed info on visiting and moving to Ambergris Caye. If you review the monthly Belize Insiders you will find that one of them included a summary of property management companies around Belize, including several on Ambergris Caye. I think that was in June of 2015, give or take a month. June is a good time to rent, if you start to plan now. That is low season, so you should be able to find a decent rental.

    I don’t think we have very many full-time expat residents living on Ambergris Caye who spend time on this forum, since it’s geared towards people who are seeking info before they move. Most expats who live here won’t donate their time to give a stranger a tour. But if you just come and hang out at some places where you can meet expats, then you’ll find many are friendly and after you become acquainted with some people who live here full-time, they will probably offer to show you around. Other expats charge a fee to do so. Also, just sitting in a restaurant and chatting with locals they’ll give you a lot of advice. This island is small and it’s really easy to get around. So you won’t need a “guide”, although it does help initially, to find out where everything is.

    The other option is to join the Ambergris Caye forum, at Get on that forum and ask the same question. The people who frequent that forum live here. Some who are retired, with time on their hands, may offer to show you around… But if you go to Estels for breakfast, and a few of the popular watering holds (such as Coco Locos, Crazy Canucks, and Caribbean Villas), you’ll meet other expats fairly quickly, if you are friendly and go out of your way to ask a lot of questions and introduce yourself. Sunday afternoons are a great time to head to the above beach bars, as everyone is out and about, spending time with friends on the beach. The more popular places on the beach have Sunday afternoon BBQs, games, and live music. So it’s a really fun time to get out and meet people, and socialize…

    Scot Haseman

    Harry White –

    My name is Scoty. Live in Denver, our ideas for relocating seems to be similar. Timing also. If your are interested and haven’t gotten any other help, I’m willing to meet up with you in June. Depending on how much time you have, I’m retired.


    DAVID L.

    Scott, if you are interested in Consejo (just north of Corozal and just south of Mexico), let us know. We be there for the month of April.

    David and Lynn

    Carolyn Smith

    David and Lynn,
    My name is Tom. My wife Carol and I will be at Cerros Beach Resort on Sunday 17 April for 5 days. We are interested in the Consejo area and would like to meet with you at your convenience.

    Scot Haseman

    David & Lynn – my apologies for not responding sooner. Things happen. Couldn’t make it in April but sure hope you wonderful time. Can’t find Consejo on my map. Need a new one anyway. Plans have changed until June or July.


    Harry – Did you go down in June?

    Harry White

    Scot, I will be in San Pedro from June 8th through June 16th, Harry


    Harry and Scot,

    Before you come to visit, be sure to read the sections on the Belize Insider website that provide a lot of ideas of where to go on Ambergris Caye and in San Pedro. And scan through the Belize Insider issues. I’ve written more about Ambergris Caye than any other area of Belize, in terms of things to do, since I live here.

    There are so many places to go to meet expats. Several are listed in the text about Ambergris Caye and San Pedro on the website. Rental management firms and ideas are listed in the June 2015 edition of the Belize Insider. It’s a good time to be looking for a rental, since we’ll be in the off season when you guys are here.

    Since English is the primary language, it’s pretty easy to meet people here. But the top spots to do so are: the Truck Stop on Sunday afternoons, Wine de Vine on Friday nights, Marbucks on Thursday – late afternoon, Caribbean Villas on Sunday from lunch on, Crazy Canucks late Sunday afternoon, and popular restaurants like Estels. Wherever you go if the owner of a business is an expat, they are usually very helpful. Just chat them up.

    DAVID L.

    Hi everyone,

    I am sorry that I am late to this conversation. We have been traveling (Belize for the month of May, Virginia for a week then to San Antonio and finally home to NC).

    Two years ago, we toured Belize from the south to the north. We decided on Consejo (north of Corozal) as our place. Major reasons were: less traffic (no resort traffic), closeness of Mexico for shopping, medical care and visiting, a significantly less cost of living (even for Belize) than other places in Belize, and easier traveling (and exit in case of really bad weather).
    We did purchase a home in Belize and we will move permanently as soon as our house sells in the States sells.

    Roy Huhn

    Hi my name is Roy,
    Not quite sure how this forum works but any insights would be greatly appreciated. My wife and I are in our late 50s and are looking for a possible place to retire to soon. We have never been to Belize but have booked a trip in late March as a vacation and to look around. First 4 days in Ambergis Cay then 2 days in Corozal and then the final two days in Placencia. My wife is a bit apprehensive about traveling and especially driving around a foreign country. Can anyone offer a first hand point of view about the safety of traveling around Belize? I was hoping to drive from Corozal down to Placencia to see more of the country but have to be able to assure her it’s safe to do so. otherwise I guess we fly! Hopefully someone can give me an honest answer. Thanks Roy



    I am the Belize Correspondent for International Living. In the future, please start a new strand when you are posing a different question on this forum. Otherwise, people will not respond as much to your questions.

    It is safe to travel in Belize. This is an English speaking country. There aren’t that many roads. But the roads from Corozal to Placencia are ok. And the drive south along the Hummingbird Highway is very pretty. But if your wife is really nervous, then by all means, fly instead, for her peace of mind.There are no freeways here. The main roads are ok, but not what you are used to in the USA. And people do not have much training in driving etiquette, so you really need to drive defensively in Belize.

    If you do drive, just be sure you only drive during the day. There are few lights on the roads here at night. And the roads have two lanes or less. There are no traffic cops around to enforce traffic/road regulations related to how to drive in Belize. So it is safest to assume that others will not drive safely. We also have “sleeping policemen” – bumps in the road to slow speeders down.

    Also, when on the highway, if you want to turn left you are supposed to pull over to the right hand side of the road, let any fast traffic pass, then turn left once that traffic is gone. We have a few unfamiliar practices in Belize that the car rental companies seldom tell visitors about. Here, on Ambergris Caye, you can rent a golf cart. But you won’t need one to get around most of the time.

    I’ve personally driven in Belize, on the mainland, many times. If you are a careful driver and pay attention, you will be fine. The only danger is in Belize City and you will not be spending time there. The areas you are visiting are nice areas.

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