FREE ADMISSION: Panama Canal, Miraflores Visitor Center

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    Hi everyone,

    As many of you know from my past missives, this August 15 marks the Panama Canal’s 100th anniversary. It’s a big milestone here and there are some special events and perks in place to commemorate the Centennial:

    For the month of August (except Sunday August 31), visitors to the Panama Canal’s Miraflores Visitor Center in Panama City are invited “Noches Mágicas del Canal” or “Magical Nights at the Canal.” Admission is free…enjoy live dances, music, fireworks, and a 3D video about the waterway’s turbulent history and its contribution to the burgeoning economy. I have been told that this event begins at 6 p.m. on Saturdays…so if you go to Miraflores at another time you may have to pay regular admission. For more information please contact the center directly:

    tel: (507) 276-8325,

    Other Centennial activities include:

    – an exhibit (August 6 to October 5) at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC, for info visit Called “Sketches of a historic undertaking” it will feature 44 works of art by renowned artists.

    – the premiere of Historias del Canal (Canal Stories), a movie portraying the Canal’s impact through five fictional stories, to be screened at Panama’s National Theater (web: on August 13.

    – The official celebration on August 15, starting at the Miraflores Locks with an inspection of the first vessel to transit the Canal that day. The Centennial Gala concert will follow that night at the Figali Convention Center in Amador (might be invitation only but will be broadcast nationwide).

    I’ll add updates to this post as I learn of other events.



    Wow- thanks for all the info Jessica! The canal centennial is a really big deal here, as one might imagine.

    The Panamanian people are deservedly very proud of the canal and the success they have had with its administration since 2000.

    And we can expect more celebration when the expansion project is completed!


    Thanks Linda! Technically the Panama Canal reverted to Panamanian administration in 1999, but yes there was a very long (20 years) transition period and the Panamanian staff that took over the operation was well prepared to run the waterway…and has done so successfully. And yes, there is sure to be a big celebration when the third lane is inaugurated, though there is already talk of starting construction on a fourth lane immediately afterward, so the project may not be “done” for a while yet!
    Happy 100th Panama Canal!

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