Free Range/Grass-Fed/Organic

Homepage Forums Panama Insider Free Range/Grass-Fed/Organic

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  • #678724
    Andrea Horncastle

    I just got back from Panama, and I went thru a lot of grocery stores, but was really unable to tell what was or wasn’t grass fed or free range when it comes to meat and eggs, and what was or was not organic… I am looking to live in the Boquete/Volcan areas, and can anyone tell me if I can make arrangements directly with farmers? or if there are “farmers markets” where you can ask questions about pesticides, etc.? I was very surprised that I could not find coconut oil in most supermarkets… PriceSmart was the only one that had it in quantity, and it was more expensive than here.. which really surprised me.

    Andrea H


    If you want to move to the Volcan/Boquete area you are in luck! There are many local farmers who are growing pesticide free vegetables. If you go to the Tuesday market in Boquete you will find people selling organic eggs also. Finca Santa Marta is an excellent source of most of what you are looking for you can find them here Finca Santa Marta sells free range chickens along with organic eggs and coconut oil and delivers to the Tuesday market each week.
    As far as organic beef, you can find people who raise and sell beef. Back in 2014 a company called Panama Angus were cutting and delivering grass fed Angus beef with a minimum order of $200. As of the current time, there does not seem to be great interest in that at least in this area. Pricesmart carries the best beef in this area but it is not organic. Any imports you find in Pricesmart will be more expensive than in the US but if you find a source in either Volcan or Boquete you can get your needs taken care of easily with local products. Everyday we see new expats filling the needs in this area as more and more healthy people are moving to Chiriqui and are interested in maintaining organic eating. Hope this helps.

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