Frequent Trips Into Ecuador

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    Susan; Both you, Dan & Edd & Cynthia travel in & out of the country frequently. I’m reasonably certain you are residents.
    I know the Stantons are! I am building an “infant” export business that is going to require frequent trips until I can either
    move to EC or fine tune the logistics.

    THE QUESTION: Will it raise flags or problems if I travel in & out of there every 6 to 8 weeks?? If not, any advise to make
    the trip through customs quicker or more efficient?


    We are all residents, yes, and it is no problem for a resident to travel in and out of the country frequently, although there are some restrictions in the first two years, which — as everything in Ecuador — are open to interpretation. Our attorney’s interpretation was that you could not be out of the coutnry for more than 90 days at a time during those first two years. Others say you can’t be gone more than 90 days cumulative in each of the first two years. Yet others say you can’t be gone more than 90 days cumulative within those 24 months. The first line of thinking worked just fine for us.


    I am a little concerned about all this planned exporting of infants.


    She doesn’t mean it literally, but a business that’s in its infancy. 🙂

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