Homepage Forums Ecuador Insider Forum HEALTH CARE IN ECUADOR

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  • #587717
    JOHN G.

    I recently subscribed to Ecuador Insider and have been exploring moving to Ecuador. After reading material available to me, I’m leaning towards Cuenca. I’m looking for a moderately active environment and will be living alone. I’m a widower 72 years of age with several health issues, so medical availability is my first concern. Some of my concerns are, I had a triple heart bypass several years ago, I have a Pacemaker and have it checked every 3 to 4 months, I use a CPAP for sleep apnea and every 3 to 4 months get new hoses and mask for it, I have some other issues that are easily controlled with medication (diabetes / high blood pressure.) The cost of routine doctor appointments by what I’ve read appears to be manageable. What concerns me is hospitalization procedures like having my pacemaker replaced or if I must be hospitalized for other reasons. In spite of these conditions I’m still moderately active and work part time.
    I became very discouraged about moving to Ecuador after viewing the video by Sarah Dettman on the health care options in Ecuador on the Ecuador insider home page and other reading I’ve done. I came away with the impression that because of my pre existing and age, I would not qualify for private health insurance or it would be cost prohibitive for me, and self insuring would not be a wise option. The impression I got about the social security government provided health care is that I could buy into for a reasonable monthly fee but it is kind of on a first come first served basis, long lines, having to wait a long time for doctor appointments and no control about your care or what doctor takes care of you. It doesn’t appear to be an adequate system for the conditions I have.
    I guess what I’m hoping for is that somehow, someone can provide me with information, that I have the wrong perception about my medical concerns , the government social security medical system and I would be reasonably safe medically in that system

    Thank you

    John Gatto


    John, your research is correct about two things. With your age and health challenges, private insurance will be difficult if not impossible to obtain. And Ecuador’s Social Security health care system will not allow you to choose your physician, although the time for an appointment is usually not unreasonably long. No one at International Living is in a position to advise about specific health conditions, however. Your most prudent route will be to visit private care physicians (many are bilingual) in Quito, Guayaquil, or Cuenca to discuss your situation and let them help you determine if the level of care you require is available in Ecuador within either the private or public systems.

    JOHN G.

    Thank you very much for replying to my concern and providing me with a starting point to focus on.
    Although health care is my first concern, before I would make final plans, I would come to Cuenca and stay for a while to get first hand answers to my medical and other questions to determine if I felt the move would be right for me.
    If I did make an exploratory visit to Cuenca, without having any knowledge of the area and speaking very little Spanish, is there some kind of service for fee available to help me find a private practice doctor to speak with about my medical situation and to point me in the right direction for other concerns I might have? If so how would I get in touch with them?
    Thank you,


    John, when you come to Cuenca email me at and I’ll hook you up with my primary care physician. During your consultation he can refer you to the proper specialists.

    JOHN G.

    Thank you very much for offering your assistance. It is very much appreciated. I will email you before I come. I’m probably looking at some time in April or May 2015.

    Thanks again,

    Yvan Ernould

    I wondered if John was installed in Ecuador ?
    if so, what is its health insurance company?
    If it’s possible. Thank you.

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