Help with Itinerary

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    Hi all,
    I’m looking to put together an itinerary for a visit. My dad (79) and I are planning on attending the event the beginning of February and are planning to be in country about 4 weeks. We are particularly interested in checking out the highland areas. This is a scouting trip for potential relocation.

    Our preference is a smallish type community with fairly easy access to larger cities (including for medical.) A large expat contingent wouldn’t be necessary, but we’re not looking to be breaking new ground either at this time. We’d hope to be able to check out other areas as well but be focused primarily on the highlands. (I have looked through the various resources offered within the site and continue to dig into those.) I understand that this is a broad brush stroke, but don’t want to indiscriminately start limiting things too much.

    If the name looks familiar, we were at the Ultimate Event last May and did meet Edd & Cynthia as well as Suzan & Dan.

    -Rich Uhnavy


    Hi Rich, so glad you’ll be back with us this year. From what you say, I think your only real options are Cuenca, Cotacachi and Quito. You’ll find great medical care in both Cuenca and Quito. Cotacachi doesn’t have great medical care in town itself, but about 30 minutes away in Ibarra you can find decent care and could be stabilized in case of emergency and then transported to Quito, about two hours away. I also love Banos, but it is a three-hour drive from Quito — is that too far for you?


    Hi Suzan,

    Thanks for the reply. The concern related to medical is that we don’t want to be deep in the boonies. Dad is in reasonable health for his age. But at his age, things can certainly change. We are even considering a stop in Vilcabamba. Not sure that it’ll make the list for serious consideration, but with allowing about a month in total, it does certainly broaden the areas we can travel to without having to rush through. I tend to look at area populations and translate that to population centers I’m familiar with. For instance Ibarra is close in size to Traverse City, MI. Cuenca is close in size to Grand Rapids, MI. For most of our visits to see specialists we go into Grand Rapids, which is about an hour drive for us. (The town that we live closest to is 10,000 in population) If we were closer to Traverse, it would certainly have very adequate facilities. I understand that making those comparisons can have issues, hence the questions.

    If I remember correctly you and Dan are in the Cotacachi area. We wondered if at least in the northern highlands if it might make sense to try and come up with a week to week and half rental and use that as a base to check out spots elsewhere in the north. And if you thought so, where you might suggest to do this. I’m not familiar with Banos, but I would not automatically rule it out. (Just did a quick search.) The Tungurahua volcano might be an issue…

    If Edd’s around I’d be curious as to what’s in the area getting outside of Cuenca that we might/should check out.

    We joined RETA today and then also made the reservations for the conference. So now I’m trying to fit the rest of the jig saw puzzle together for the trip.



    Hi Richard, it sounds like you are doing all the right research. But don’t assume that because a city in Ecuador is the same size as one in the U.S. that they will have the same type or quality of medical facilities…or anything else. 🙂 (I’m sure you are not assuming that, but just want to make sure.)

    Larry Smith ( may be able to help you with a rental in Cotacachi. And you’ll meet expats at the conference who live in Banos — they say there is not much to fear from the volcano.


    Suzan, thanks for your help and suggestions
    I’ll give Larry a shout and continue to research Banos as well. (Anyone else on the forum have thoughts on Banos?) I work real hard not to make too many assumptions, therefore the questions and the time doing “boots on the ground.” I do appreciate the cautionary note. These are big life decisions. As other questions arise I’ll post (trying not to be repetitive) and look forward to seeing y’all in a few weeks.
    Happy Holidays – Merry Christmas – Happy New Year to you and your family.



    Rich, expats who want the conveniences of a city without city life reside in outlying areas of Cuenca like Paute, Gualaceo, Challabamba, San Joaquin, and Yunguilla. You might especially like Paute, about a 45 minute drive from Cuenca (I’m sure you’re aware you’ll need a vehicle with the kinds of places you’re considering), since it’s an actual town with restaurants and a popular Sunday market.


    Thanks for your input Edd. Looking forward to talking more with you.

    Merry Christmas!


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