hotel reservations

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    I am planning to drive along the coast from Guayaquil up to Manta, is it better to have a hotel reseveration set, or is it ok just to wing it?




    It depends when you go. During holidays you will find no vacancies. Other times you will be fine.


    What is considered “holidays”…..I will be traveling from Otavalo via the coast to Cuenca between May 30 and June 14,  how do I find nice but inexpensive hotels on the internet…TripAdvisor?


    Terry, look at the bar across the top of this page and click on Travel Itineraries for some hotel suggestions. Holidays…well you can find a list of common national holidays here:

    However, every city and town has their own individual holidays, so you might want to do an online search for the particular date and locale you will be visiting. If you are making reservations in advance, no worries. But if you plan to wing it, you may want to know what your chances will be to find accommodation. In a quick email to the hotels you’re considering, you could ask about upcoming holidays and if they anticipate being full on any particular dates. May 24, for instance, is a national holiday and I’d expect that long weekend to be busy at the coast, especially, and for there to be long lines for buses, etc.


    Hi Suzan or Edd!

    Will it be hard to get flights between Cuenca and Quito during the May long weekend?


    I doubt it will be tough, but you can get them through the Tame website or at one of their offices in Quito in advance.




    Suzan,   I have a few concerns about Tame Airlines web site while trying to make a reservation.   1.  Even though it has an English tab, most of their site is in Spanish.  2.  They have a warning that pops up that says that “only credit cards issued by an Ecuador Bank can be used to buy tickets.   and  3.   I could not find or understand what their baggage fees were.   Their fares seem to be lower  than the others airlines there but  fees could change that.    Thanks


    I have never been charged a bag fee. However I never have more than one small bag.They may have a limit. A friend of mine says if you click through, you can use a US credit card. You can also buy tickets at the airport or at the Tame offices around town and/or kiosks in malls. If you go through a travel agent you will pay a premium. The website is not great but offers the lowest prices.

    You can always call and ask for an English-speaking agent and ask all your questions in advance.

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